Papers by Giuseppe Carlo Marano

The main objective of the OPTARCH2019 Conference is to bring together the scientific community wo... more The main objective of the OPTARCH2019 Conference is to bring together the scientific community working in the broader field of Engineering Optimization and Architectural Design including problems formulation, computational methods and software development. OPTARCH conferences will facilitate the exchange of ideas in topics of mutual interests and will serve as a platform for establishing links between research groups with complementary activities. Thus, the communities of <em>Mathematical Programming</em> and <em>Nature-Inspired Search Algorithms</em> will become more familiar with important application areas arising from Architectural design real-world problems. Moreover, the <em>Architectural Design Community</em> will be exposed to advanced numerical methods and software tools, which can highly assist in tackling combinatorial optimization problems. Sessions related to specific topics of the Conference will be introduced by Keynote Lectures whi...
Computational Methods in Stochastic Dynamics, 2010
Abstract Earthquake-induced ground-motion may be realistically described as random processes that... more Abstract Earthquake-induced ground-motion may be realistically described as random processes that are intrinsically non-stationary in both amplitude and fre-quency content. In order to take into account the finite duration and the amplitude non-stationarity of earthquake-induced ...
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Jan 1, 2011
The optimum design of tuned liquid column damper (TLCD) is usually performed by minimizing the ma... more The optimum design of tuned liquid column damper (TLCD) is usually performed by minimizing the maximum response of structure subjected to stochastic earthquake load without imposing any restrictions on the possible maximum oscillation of the liquid within ...
Advances in Engineering Software, Jan 1, 2011
A new view for the analytical formulation of torsional ultimate strength for reinforced concrete ... more A new view for the analytical formulation of torsional ultimate strength for reinforced concrete (RC) beams by experimental data is explored by using a new hybrid regression method termed Evolutionary Polynomial Regression (EPR). In the case of torsion in RC elements, the poor assumptions in physical models often result into poor agreement with experimental results. Nonetheless, existing models have simple and compact mathematical expressions since they are used by practitioners as building codes provisions.

This paper concerns a performance-reliability based criterion for the optimum design of bridge is... more This paper concerns a performance-reliability based criterion for the optimum design of bridge isolators. The meaning of "optimum design" concerns a structure designed in order to satisfy several performance requirements regarding the safety and the serviceability. In order to carry out this procedure a stochastic approach is developed and a Gaussian, zero-mean, filtered, nonstationary stochastic process, is adopted in order to model the earthquake motion. The hysteretic Bouc-Wen model is employed in order to reproduce the nonlinear constitutive behaviour of isolators, whereas a linear law is assumed in order to represent the piers. Covariance response is attained by means of the approximate stochastic linearization method and the system reliability, required in order to make explicit the safety and the serviceability performance objectives, is evaluated with the hypothesis of independent crossings. Finally, the optimum design, performed in two different phases, is carried out in a parametric form.

Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Jan 1, 2009
An energy-based envelope function is developed for use in the stochastic simulation of earthquake... more An energy-based envelope function is developed for use in the stochastic simulation of earthquake ground motion. The envelope function is directly related to the Arias intensity of the ground motion as well to the manner in which this Arias intensity is built-up over time. It is shown that this build-up, represented by a Husid plot, can be very well modelled using a simple lognormal distribution. The proposed envelope makes use of parameters that are commonly available in seismic design situations, either following a deterministic scenario-type analysis or following a more comprehensive probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA), either in terms of Arias intensity or the more common spectral acceleration. The shape parameters of the envelope function are estimated following the calculation of the analytic envelopes for a large number of records from PEER Next Generation of Attenuation (NGA) database. The envelope may also be used to predict the distribution of peak ground acceleration values corresponding to an earthquake scenario. The distribution thus obtained is remarkably consistent with those of the recent NGA models.
Cemento hormigón, Jan 1, 2007
Resumen: Entre los diferentes parámetros que caracterizan las mezclas de hormigón, la relación ag... more Resumen: Entre los diferentes parámetros que caracterizan las mezclas de hormigón, la relación agua/cemento (a/c) es la que comúnmente presenta mayor relevancia en la evaluación de numerosas características reológicas y mecánicas. De hecho, de este ...
Le conseguenze economiche dovute al degrado degli elementi strutturali in calcestruzzo armato (CA... more Le conseguenze economiche dovute al degrado degli elementi strutturali in calcestruzzo armato (CA) è uno dei problemi più sentiti, specialmente nelle nazioni industrializzate dove la manutenzione e la riparazione di queste costruzioni rappresentano una necessità impellente. In più ...
La corrosione localizzata in travi in c.a. è un fenomeno elettrochimico in grado di compromettern... more La corrosione localizzata in travi in c.a. è un fenomeno elettrochimico in grado di comprometterne l'affidabilità strutturale in misura ragguardevole. La maggiore difficoltà che si è costretti ad affrontare in questa circostanza è insita nelle notevoli fonti di incertezza che gravano sul problema: infatti, specialmente in edifici esistenti, le condizioni ambientali, le proprietà meccaniche dei materiali, così come le condizioni di carico, sono quasi sempre note con poca accuratezza. Attualmente, le metodologie proposte in letteratura si basano sull'ipotesi che le variabili incerte possano essere trattate per via statistica e, pertanto, sulla base di questa considerazione, si accetta che i classici approcci probabilistici messi a punto per la valutazione della sicurezza strutturale siano in grado di fornire risultati attendibili. Generalmente però, questa circostanza è assai lontana dalla realtà: per tale motivo, si ritiene opportuno sviluppare un efficiente metodo per l'analisi tempo-dipendente della sicurezza strutturale offerta da travi in c.a. soggette a corrosione localizzata, in cui siano presenti sia incertezze di tipo probabilistiche che non probabilistiche, quest'ultime trattate come fuzzy sets. Il risultato finale è l'elaborazione di uno strumento di supporto alla decisione ed alla programmazione tecnico-economica degli interventi di recupero e manutenzione strutturale.
Tra i problemi principali nel campo dell'ingegneria strutturale, quello riguardante la valutazion... more Tra i problemi principali nel campo dell'ingegneria strutturale, quello riguardante la valutazione della vulnerabilità o sicurezza residua di una singola struttura, o di una certa classe di strutture, rappresenta attualmente uno dei più importanti. Tra i vari strumenti messi a punto, le curve di fragilità rappresentano uno dei più noti ed utilizzati, poiché hanno il vantaggio di riuscire a rappresentare in maniera semplice la vulnerabilità strutturale associata a diversi livelli di hazard. Il presente lavoro è incentrato su un approccio ibrido per la costruzione delle curve di fragilità: esso si basa da un lato su un approccio analitico di tipo stocastico, e dall'altro utilizza il database dell'Hazus. Il modello strutturale è un semplice sistema non lineare ad un grado di libertà, la cui legge costitutiva è rappresentata da un legame isteretico, i cui parametri sono determinati attraverso una procedura di identificazione partendo dalle curve di capacità fornite dall'Hazus. Per la valutazione delle curve di fragilità si è utilizzato un indice di danno basato sullo spostamento. Tale indice ha permesso quindi di ricavare la fragilità come la probabilità di superamento di uno specifico livello di danno per un'assegnata intensità, facendo ricorso alla teoria del superamento di soglia dei processi stocastici.
La corretta stima del profilo di concentrazione di ioni cloruri diffusi all'interno di opere in c... more La corretta stima del profilo di concentrazione di ioni cloruri diffusi all'interno di opere in cemento armato, è un fattore importante per il calcolo della vita di servizio di strutture esposte agli agenti aggressivi. Esso peraltro rappresenta un problema tecnico e scientifico ancora non perfettamente risolto. Le formulazioni presenti in letteratura fanno riferimento alla soluzione dell'equazione di diffusione (II legge di Fick) ottenuta assumendo un coefficiente di diffusione costante. Una soluzione di questo tipo è presentata in diversi documenti tecnici, in cui si considera trascurabile la variazione del coefficiente di diffusione col tempo. Con riferimento a diversi studi che ne hanno appurato una sua variazione nel tempo, nel presente lavoro è sviluppato un confronto tra la soluzione con coefficiente di diffusione variabile, integrata in modo da incorporare opportunamente gli effetti evolutivi della diffusività, e la soluzione convenzionale in diverse condizioni ambientali.
Parole chiave: Masse attonate, ottimizzazione, performance based seismic design, processo stocast... more Parole chiave: Masse attonate, ottimizzazione, performance based seismic design, processo stocastico.
Indian concrete journal, Jan 1, 2008
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Journal of Vibration and Control, Jan 1, 2011
Abstract In this work a comparative analysis between different optimization criteria is performed... more Abstract In this work a comparative analysis between different optimization criteria is performed for a linear Tuned Mass Damper (TMD) devices problem. Optimal TMD mechanical parameters are evaluated considering a simple one degree-of-freedom ...
Placing sensors at appropriate locations is an important task in the dynamic assessment of the me... more Placing sensors at appropriate locations is an important task in the dynamic assessment of the mechanical systems and its role is central in structural health monitoring. All sensors have to be placed on the structure so that all sought system features be obtained from the experimental tests. Sensors network design is rather diffused in laboratory applications, but there are scarce investigations on real civil structures and they are not so well documented. In order to give a contribution in this framework, the present paper deals with the optimal sensors placement problem on lattice towers. With reference to six of the most diffused existing optimum criteria and according to mechanical and energetic formulations, several sensors network configurations are calculated for two example broadcasting antennas, adopted as benchmark cases of studies. The final topological configurations of the networks are compared and the most relevant differences are discussed. Moreover, the information content behaviour is computed to investigate the connection between sensors network topology and its ability to withstand the presence of undesired signals (e.g., noise) during the measurements. The results here illustrated may be useful for sensors network design for this special class of structures.
… Management, Life Cycle, Jan 1, 2010
Steel bars pitting corrosion is a process that strongly jeopardises the reliability of the reinfo... more Steel bars pitting corrosion is a process that strongly jeopardises the reliability of the reinforced concrete structures exposed to chlorides. The proper treatment of uncertainties that affects geometrical, mechanical and chemical involved parameters is for some aspects still an ...

Bridges structures are key elements of transportation network and their efficiency is very much e... more Bridges structures are key elements of transportation network and their efficiency is very much essential during the emergency phase after a seismic events. Owing to catastrophic damage levels observed on bridges as result of strong earthquakes, investigation studies in the last decades have been focused on methods able to improve their stability and reliability. Therefore, as reply of weakness inherent on conventional seismic design methods, non traditional ones have been developed intended for preventing or reducing inelastic deformations, and consequent destructive effects, in bridges structures. For this reason a great effort has been made in this field in order to introduce passive vibration control devices with the aim to improving bridges behavior against seismic events, and to avoiding, simultaneously, significant cost increments. In this study the performance of HDRB utilized for bridges seismic protection is assessed; in detail, the reliability, evaluated in terms of first passage probability, is calculated and a sensitivity analysis is carried out in order to recognize the most suitable isolator mechanical parameters which allow to attain high performance of this technique.
Engineering Structures, Jan 1, 2010
The primary objective of the present study is to explore a new definition of seismic response spe... more The primary objective of the present study is to explore a new definition of seismic response spectrum, where the uncertainty, that strongly affects the system and excitation parameters, is treated by fuzzy random theory. The proposed work is based on a simultaneous ...

Earthquake Engineering and …, Jan 1, 2010
Tuned mass dampers (TMD) are well known as one of the most widely adopted devices in vibration co... more Tuned mass dampers (TMD) are well known as one of the most widely adopted devices in vibration control passive strategies. In the past few decades, many methods have been developed to fi nd the optimal parameters of a TMD installed on a structure and subjected to a random base excitation process, but most of them are usually based on an implicit assumption that all of the structural parameters are deterministic. However, in many real cases this simplifi cation is unacceptable, so robust optimal design criteria becomes a viable alternative to better support engineers in the design process. In Robust Design Optimization (RDO) approaches, indeed the solution must be able to not only minimize the performance but also to limit its variation induced by uncertainty. Most of the currently available RDO methods are based on a probabilistic description of the model uncertainty, even if in many cases they are not able to explicitly include the infl uence of all the possible sources of uncertainties. Therefore, in this study, a fuzzy version of the robust TMD design optimization problem is proposed. The consistency of the fuzzy approach is studied with respect to the available non-probabilistic formulations reported in the literature and an application to an example of a robust design of a linear TMD subjected to base random vibrations in the presence of fuzzy uncertainties. The results show that the proposed fuzzy-based approach is able to give a set of optimal solutions both in terms of structural effi ciency and sensitivity to mechanical and environmental uncertainties.
Papers by Giuseppe Carlo Marano