Caravan makeover

48 Pins
Feather-Stitch Valance
Feather-Stitch Valance- What a fantastic idea! Cheaper than what you can find in the store, and easier to fit on those awkward-sized windows.
Natural Scallop Rattan Window Pelmet, Window Pelmet, Rattan Valance Made From Rattan, Natural Rattan Decoration, Natural Rattan Window Cover - Etsy UK
Natural Scallop Rattan Window Pelmet, Window Pelmet, Rattan Valance Made From Rattan, Natural Rattan Decoration, Natural Rattan Window Cover - Etsy
Cheapest DIY Curtain Rods Ever {Finials too}! - 3 Little Greenwoods
MUST PIN tutorial for the Cheapest DIY Curtain Rods Ever {Finials too} by 3 Little Greenwoods Tutorial for making your own DIY Curtain Rods from simple supplies! #DIYCurtainRod #DIYFinials
Mother-of-three reveals incredible transformation on static caravan
Mother-of-three carries out an unrecognisable transformation on £6,000 static caravan in Snowdonia
Mother-of-three reveals incredible transformation on static caravan
Mother-of-three carries out an unrecognisable transformation on £6,000 static caravan in Snowdonia
Mother-of-three reveals incredible transformation on static caravan
Mother-of-three carries out an unrecognisable transformation on £6,000 static caravan in Snowdonia
Mother-of-three reveals incredible transformation on static caravan
Mother-of-three carries out an unrecognisable transformation on £6,000 static caravan in Snowdonia
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