Sunday, April 12, 2009

Spring Break

Happy Easter!! I sincerely hope everyone had a moment to ponder about the Savior.

Eileen and Nanette had the fun idea to share Easter pictures from our days gone by.

So I thought I would share mine!!

Here I am in my Easter bonnet!! I am holding an egg. Can you see my Easter basket just behind me? I still have my white gloves (not shown in this picture) along with one of my Easter bonnets! I am 2 years old in this picture.

Now I want to show you my latest finished project!!...

I won Rosalie Quinlan's Jelly Roll Project Bag pattern from her giveaway!! I made mine from Moda's Recess. I love how it turned out! Even my daughter had positive comments to say about it!! I made it for....

"Please remain seated with your seatbelts fasten until the ride comes to a complete stop."

We just got back Saturday from "The Happiest Place On Earth"!! Dancer took her BFF-M! We all had such a good time! These girls were so fun! The girls ventured off on their own and we would play 'Marco'-'Polo' with cell phones. Aren't they the cutest!?!

We ate too much....

and played really hard!! The park was open till midnight every night and we were there till midnight every night! My feet are still recuperating!!

Saturday we went to Huntington Beach. Here are the girls jumping waves and playing on the beach. Where was I you ask?...sitting on a blanket with my coat on!!

Piece & love,

P.S. Sherri is having a giveaway...she turned 100!! She is an awesome quilter and friend!


Abby and Stephanie said...

Cute bag!!! Yes, I remember the white gloves at holiday times. Weren't we fancy back then?

Sherri said...

Cute Easter photo!!! And the backpack is darling! Can't wait to see it in person!

Nanette Merrill said...

Fun pictures! I love them. The one of you is so cute with the Easter basket. Made me smile. So cute. The pics of Disney trip are fun too. It is good to spend time with your family doing fun things. Hope you are free Saturday.

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Hey you should have said you were here. I could have met you in Huntington. Dang it!!!!

Messy Karen said...

so cute in your Easter outfit. love the pink corners. cute bag and what fun spending time with your girls.

happy zombie said...

I love your Easter pic. I'm so determined to find one of me. I loved how back then we'd get so fancy. I miss that.

And cute, cute bag!

Solstitches said...

That is such a cute picture of you way back when.
Lucky you to win the blog drawing. I love the bag you made. Margaret