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Cyclic Universe Problems

In Penroses's hypothesis, at the end of each iteration the universe undergoes a conformal transformation, meaning distances are rescaled. If I am right, it implies that a planet from the previous ...
Nayeem1's user avatar
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Scale transformation of scalars in curved backgrounds

I am puzzled by the concept of scalar fields that arise in conformal field theory in curved backgrounds. In general relativity, so far as I understand it, a scalar field is basically a function ...
Kuroush Allameh's user avatar
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Does the stress energy tensor scale with the metric tensor?

Question I had some thoughts from a previous question of mine. If I have a metric $g^{\mu \nu}$ $$g^{\mu \nu} \to \lambda g^{\mu \nu}$$ Then does it automatically follow for the stress energy tensor $...
More Anonymous's user avatar
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Scale invariance in curved spacetime?

Question What does it mean for the metric to be scale invariant in curved spacetime (in the sense when I say a property is scale invariant in thermodynamics)? I'm confused as to how to define this. It ...
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How to amend General Relativity to include a position-dependent gravitational 'constant' $G$?

What is the best way to amend General Relativity to include a variable gravitational 'constant' $G$, that depends on the positions of all other masses? That is, if the amount of 'bending of space-time'...
John Hunter's user avatar
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Another static solution of the Friedmann equations - interpretation of $p=-\rho c^2$

Looking for solutions of the Friedmann equations $$(\frac{\dot a}{a})^2+\frac{kc^2}{a^2} = \frac{8 \pi G \rho+\Lambda c^2}{3}, \tag{1}$$ $$\frac{\ddot a}{a} = \frac{-4 \pi G}{3} (\rho + \frac{3p}{c^2})...
John Hunter's user avatar
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What are the implications of the scale invariance of the geodesic equation?

The geodesic equation in general relativity is famously invariant under affine reparametrization, i.e., under the reparametrization $\tau \to a\tau + b$ where $\tau $ is the proper time. This can be ...
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What sets the scale of a free Maxwell theory in $d\neq 4$?

The action for the free Maxwell theory is given by $$S=\int d^dx\sqrt{-g}\bigg(-\frac{1}{4}F^{\mu\nu}F_{\mu\nu}\bigg)$$ The theory is invariant under conformal transformations $g_{\mu\nu}\to\Omega^2(x)...
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Importance of Tracelessness of Tensor?

What makes the trace-free tensor (or part of it) so important? As in trace-free Ricci tensor or Weyl tensor.
Okba's user avatar
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Is a universe without massive particles scale-invariant?

In a popular talk by Roger Penrose about spacetime geometry, when introducing his conformal cyclic cosmology starting at 17:15 I think he says that as soon as there are no massive particles left in ...
doetoe's user avatar
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Is John Nash's "Interesting Equation" really interesting?

As recently mentioned in the news, before his passing, John Nash worked on general relativity. According to the linked article John Nash's work is available online from his webpage. His work is ...
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