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AM radio over rainforest

Where can I find information about the AM radio reception at tropical rainforest environment? Here in Colombia exists one of the most humid environments on the planet. I can't find information about ...
Ando's user avatar
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Why wireless radios start making buzzing noise when I switch on some electrical appliances?

This question has possibly been asked a numerous number of times already, by many people in many places, but nowhere can I find a precise answer to my precise question. When I turn on, say a ceiling ...
QuestionTheAnswer's user avatar
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5 answers

Quantum description of radio antenna

I am trying to form a clearer picture of how a radio transmitter emits waves from a quantum point of view. The classical description is quite easy: the electrons oscillate in the antenna and, as ...
Roger V.'s user avatar
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Wave Interference (Control Tower vs Mobile Phones)

I was curious about something regarding radio waves. When we're talking about differences of 200 MHz between waves, is there any way of any noticeable interference occurring? By noticeable I mean ...
Andrei Muha's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Why does a green stoplight interfere with FM radio reception (more than yellow)? [closed]

While listening to an FM radio station (frequencies between 88 and 108 MHz) in my car, I've noticed that as I pull up to a red light, there's an increase in the amount of noise. It's very noticeable ...
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3 answers

Why radio waves from radio-stations don't interfere with each other?

I know that radiowaves from radiostations are modulated either F.M or A.M . Lets suppose they are F.M and one has carrier wave frequency of 100 Hz and other 200 Hz they have F deviation of 20Hz/V . ...
Rix Vii's user avatar
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Why tilting a radio makes it play?

I was helping my mother in making her radio play. There was no technical issues with the radio, but it would go crazy when a nearby tubelight was switched on. We tried many things, adjusted the ...
AlphaLife's user avatar
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Why do regulations exist for radio broadcasting?

I've heard many times said as an argument in favor of broadcast regulations that the radio wave medium (the atmosphere/ground) will become "polluted" if people send radio signals at whatever frequency ...
Arundel's user avatar
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Can a radio station's wavelength be measured by driving through its interference?

The other night, while driving I was listening to KGO radio. KGO is a San Francisco AM station that broadcasts at 810khz. I was driving north, away from the station, at about 70mph. I notice that the ...
Lambda's user avatar
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Why does my body create interference with my clock radio while in bed?

I typically listen to NPR in the morning from a clock radio next to my bed. There are days when just moving my body, even my arm or leg, is enough to cause interference with the radio to dramatically ...
Carlos's user avatar
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Import of Celestial Effects on Satellite Radio Interference

Some internet (among other) infrastructure comprises satellites, which beam communications in radio frequencies. These satellites, to ground observers, appear as very small solid angles in the sky. ...
geometrian's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

Understanding the cause of sidebands in Amplitude Modulation

I've read it many places that Amplitude Modulation produces sidebands in the frequency domain. But as best as I can imagine it, modulating the amplitude of a fixed-frequency carrier wave just makes ...
Jason Kleban's user avatar