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2 answers

"Probability of finding a system in a given state" in rigorous quantum mechanics

Feynman and Hibbs pg. 164 includes this paragraph: The time development of a quantum-mechanical system can be pictured as follows. At an initial time $t_a$ the state is described by the wave function ...
Jack's user avatar
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Could probability amplitude for a path equal a complex number whose length is always 1 and whose angle is the action divided by Planck's constant?

I'm reading "Zee A. - Quantum Field Theory, as Simply as Possible", where near beginning of explanation of QFT he gives what appears to be path integral formulation, he states: The ...
Martian2020's user avatar
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What is the physical meaning of the normalization of the propagator in quantum mechanics?

Suppose we have a quantum field theory (QFT) for a scalar field $\phi$ with vacuum state $|\Omega\rangle$. Then, in units where $\hbar = 1$, we postulate that the vacuum expectation value (VEV) of any ...
zeroknowledgeprover's user avatar
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Why must the propagator exponent be imaginary?

In response to asmaier's question, qmechanic showed why the propagator must be $\exp(cS)$. That made perfect sense. But can it also be shown that $c$ is imaginary? I believe it follows from ...
JoeJeffrey's user avatar
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Free particle probability to go from $a$ to $b$ [duplicate]

Feynman and Hibbs write that the probability for a particle to go from $a$ to $b$ is \begin{equation*} P(b,a)=|K(b,a)|^2 \end{equation*} The kernel for a free particle is given as \begin{equation*} K(...
ipie's user avatar
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Intuitively, why does Quantum Mechanics involve a sum over all possibilities?

I understand that one can just mathematically derive the path integral from the Schrodinger equation. I'm looking for an intuitive explanation in contrast with classical mechanics. Consider a ...
Ryder Rude's user avatar
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Can this shape of matrix elements in the path integral formalism be linked to some sort of expectation value?

This question is about expressions of the form $$ \langle x_f, t_i | \hat{x}(t) | x_i, t_i \rangle = \frac{1}{N} \int_{x(t_i) = x_i}^{x(t_f) = x_f} \mathcal{D} x~x(t)e^{i S[x]}. $$ In the following ...
Quantumwhisp's user avatar
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Quantum mechanics propagator as transition amplitude [duplicate]

In QM, the following object: $$U(x_{f},t_{f}; x_{i},t_{i}) = \langle x_{f},t_{f}|x_{i},t_{i}\rangle$$ is called propagator. Its interpretation is that it is the transition amplitude from a particle to ...
MathMath's user avatar
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Relativity and Quantum Mechanics

I have been thinking about the problem of relativistic path integrals and I encountered several difficulties. Let's assume we have a particle initially a position $x_i$ at $t_i$ in a certain reference ...
eeqesri's user avatar
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3 answers

Path integral kernel dimensions and normalizing factor

I am currently reading Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals by Feynman and Hibbs. Working on problem 3.1 made me wonder why the 1D free particle kernel: $$ K_0(b,a) = \sqrt\frac{m}{2\pi i \hbar(t_a - ...
Zandorath's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Limit as $x_1 \to x_0$ for the propagator of the harmonic oscillator

Consider a non-relativistic particle of mass $m$, moving along the $x$-axis in a potential $V(x) = m\omega^2x^2/2$. use path-integral methods to find the probability to find the particle between $x_1$ ...
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probability amplitude and path integrals [closed]

Recently, I have been learning about path integrals and I was wondering, can the probability of a certain path be weighted more in a path integral? Said in another way, can certain paths have more ...
TanMath's user avatar
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Interpretation: probability form probability amplitude (free particle)

If you compute the probability amplitude of a free 1D non-relativistic particle with mass $m$, located at position $x_0$ at time $t_0$, for beeing detected at some other point $x_N$ at time $t_N$ you ...
André's user avatar
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18 votes
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Normalizing Propagators (Path Integrals)

In the context of quantum mechanics via path integrals the normalization of the propagator as $$\left | \int d x K(x,t;x_0,t_0) \right |^2 ~=~ 1\tag{1}$$ is incorrect. But why? It gives the correct ...
Erich's user avatar
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Classical mechanics from Quantum mechanics

I'm looking at a way to prove that one recovers, under ad hoc assumptions, classical mechanics from quantum theory. Usually, we can find in textbooks that the propagator $$K(x,x_0;t)=\langle x|e^{-i ...
Adam's user avatar
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Normalization of the path integral

When one defines the path integral propagator, there is the need to normalize the propagator (since it would give you a probability density). There are two formulas which are used. 1) Original (v1+v2)...
Nick's user avatar
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Question about a Limit of Gaussian Integrals and how it relates to Path Integration (if at all)?

I have come across a limit of Gaussian integrals in the literature and am wondering if this is a well known result. The background for this problem comes from the composition of Brownian motion and ...
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