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Why is psi square a possibility? [duplicate]

Is psi square just an assumption? Or there is a physical reason why they defined like that? My procedure is: It is intuitive for me to think possibility is proportional to energy distribution. ...
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Why is a wave function $\psi$ needed for QM? Is it possible to make a differential equation involving just the p.d.f. $|\psi|^2$ of a particle? [duplicate]

Why do you need a wave function $\psi$ for quantum mechanics? Can't you just make a differential equation involving just the p.d.f. $|\psi|^2$ of a particle? Since basically with quantum mechanics the ...
bananenheld's user avatar
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Why is the formula for expected value of nonobservables in quantum mechanics different then in regular statistics? [duplicate]

Specifically, why is the operator “sandwiched in” between $\Psi^*$ and $\Psi$? i.e. Why isn’t the formula just $$\langle \hat{Q} \rangle = \int \hat{Q}\cdot|\Psi|^2 dx = \int \hat{Q}\cdot\Psi \cdot \...
Mikayla Eckel Cifrese's user avatar
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Why particularly probability density is defined as $|\Psi|^2=\Psi \Psi^{*}$?

It may be a stupid question, but why particularly for probability density expression $k~|\Psi|^2 = k~\Psi^{*}\Psi$, it's assumed that $k=1$? As it is now, then in a complex plane probability density ...
Agnius Vasiliauskas's user avatar
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Can I interpret the squaring of the wave function like this? [duplicate]

Born rule states that the probability density of the wave function is equal to the square of the function over the given interval. I thought, "Why squared?". I came up with this: "We ...
hendlim's user avatar
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Continuity Equation in Quantum Mechanics when potential is a complex valued function

How can we derive the continuity equation from Schrodinger equation if the potential is a complex function of position? What I tried was the general $1-D$ derivation of the Continuity equation from ...
Lifelong Learner's user avatar
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Question regarding step potential

We are learning about step potential in class. I have completely understood that the behavior of the wave function representing the particle, can have different responses depending on the energy of ...
Smriti Sivakumar's user avatar
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Why do we describe probability amplitude rather than probability itself in quantum mechanics?

In the quantum mechanics, the dynamics of quantum system are described in terms of probability amplitude. However, we want to calculate the probability in the end which can be measured. Why don't we ...
hbadger19042's user avatar
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Interpretation of the magnetic potential ($A$-field) in the quantum mechanical probability of current

The probability of current in quantum mechanics when the is a magnetic potential, A, is defined as: $$\boldsymbol j=\frac{1}{2m}(\psi^*\hat{\boldsymbol p} \psi-\psi\hat{\boldsymbol p}\psi^* -2q{\...
Sergio Prats's user avatar
18 votes
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Nonexistence of a Probability for Real Wave Equations

David Bohm in Section (4.5) of his wonderful monograph Quantum Theory gives an argument to show that in order to build a physically meaningful theory of quantum phenomena, the wave function $\psi$ ...
Maurizio Barbato's user avatar
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Form of Schrödinger equation for the probability density

Is it possible to formulate the Schrödinger equation (SE) in terms of a differential equation involving only the probability density instead of the wave function? If not, why not? We can take the ...
Jan Bos's user avatar
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How to calculate the probability of Hamiltonian Operators being in a certain state?

So, I'm reading through my Quantum Mechanics textbook and I stumbled upon a bit of maths that I'm not entire sure how they got: \begin{align*} \mathcal{P}_{a_1} &= \left| e^{-iE_1t/\hbar} \...
B.Iguana's user avatar
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Physical interpretation of a complex potential for a particle in quantum mechanics

In Griffiths' Quantum Mechanics, it is mentioned in a problem that For an unstable particle that spontaneously disintegrates with a lifetime $\tau$, the total probability of finding the particle ...
SchrodingersCat's user avatar
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Why does the expectation value of an operator $A$ take the form $\langle A\,\rangle=\int{\psi^* (x) A(x) \psi (x) dx}$ in QM?

The following is a quote from an answer I was given to this previous question of mine: The definition of the expectation value of an operator $A$ is $$\begin{equation} \langle A\,\rangle=\int{\...
BLAZE's user avatar
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Can the quantum mechanical current density be imaginary?

I am dealing with a situation where I get an imaginary transmission current density. Is this possible? Does it imply a zero transmission probability?
ODP's user avatar
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What do "ℜe" and "A*" mean?

What do "$\mathfrak{Re}$" and "A*" mean in the following equation (taken from James Binney and David Skinner's QM lecture notes, equation 1.12), \begin{align} p(S\text{ or }T)&=\left|A\left(S\text{...
Qwedfsf's user avatar
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Why does the magnitude squared of the wave function give us the probability density? [duplicate]

My question doesn't go much beyond the title: Why does $$\left | \psi \left ( x,t \right ) \right |^{2}$$ give us the probability density of something appearing at a certain location? I understand ...
Lann625's user avatar
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Why do we use $\psi$ instead of a straightforward probability?

What is the advantage/purpose of using $\psi$ for wavefunctions and getting the probability with $|\psi|^2$ as opposed to just defining and using the probability function?
wrongusername's user avatar
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Where does the Born rule come from? [duplicate]

As far as I've read online, there isn't a good explanation for the Born Rule. Is this the case? Why does taking the square of the wave function give you the Probability? Naturally it removes negatives ...
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Amplitude of Probability amplitude. Which one is it?

QM begins with a Born's rule which states that probability $P$ is equal to a modulus square of probability amplitude $\psi$: $$P = \left|\psi\right|^2.$$ If I write down a wave function like this $\...
71GA's user avatar
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Probability and probability amplitude [duplicate]

What made scientists believe that we should calculate probability $P$ as the $P = \left|\psi\right|^2$ in quantum mechanics? Was it the double slit experiment? How? Is there anywhere in the ...
71GA's user avatar
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Is there a direct physical interpretation for the complex wavefunction?

The Schrödinger equation in non-relativistic quantum mechanics yields the time-evolution of the so-called wavefunction corresponding to the system concerned under the action of the associated ...
ravithekavi's user avatar