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Interpretation of an anticorrelation between $H_0$ and $\log_{10}(\omega_{BD})$ with Brans-Dicke's theory in a triplot diagram

I get below the following contours of a MCMC run with the main cosmological parameters for Brans-Dickce's theory without introducing a cosmological constant ($\Lambda=0$) and considering only baryonic ...
guizmo133's user avatar
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Brans-Dicke formalism: Validity for curve of scale factor vs cosmic time

Within the framework of the Brans-Dicke formalism, after having run a MCMC sampler and, once the best-fits have been found, I inject them into an ODE system resulting from the modified Friedmann ...
guizmo133's user avatar
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Seeking Empirical Data Sources Relevant for an Alternative Gravity Theory [closed]

I am currently developing an alternative theory of gravity and am in need of empirical data sources that could assist in evaluating the potential validity and implications of this theory. This model, ...
2 votes
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If space is expanding, what is the effect on $1/r^2$?

Space is expanding, and this effect can be only detected at large scales, on the scale of galaxies and larger. If space is expanding, the expression $1/r^2$ for the law of gravity will be modified. ...
Gina Martelli's user avatar
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How do you know what is the fate of the universe in a modified theory of gravity?

Usually when you talk about the final stage of the universe you assume that $\Lambda CDM$ is the correct cosmological model and with that you can analyze what could happen for different values of $\...
Nothing's user avatar
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Gravity as a repulsive force

As we know that universe is expanding, why can't we think the gravitational force as repulsive in nature in the realms of dark matter and dark energy?
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