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Is there an instrument that measures temperature (dynamic reading) at high irradiation doses?

I would like to measure the temperature in industrial gamma irradiation bunker. I know thermocouples are often used, but they only give max temperature reading, and I would like to have a dynamic ...
AnaM's user avatar
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Why bulk of HPGe detectors is doped?

When I am looking at schematic diagrams of HPGe gamma spectrometer detectors (like this Ortec GLP one), it is often mentioned that bulk of Ge is doped. In this example - P-type doped. Is there a ...
BarsMonster's user avatar
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The Geiger Counter

In my class, we talked about the GM-counter and we were shown a graph with the voltage on the x-axis and intensity on the y-axis. But I do not understand why the graph has the characteristics it has, ...
Yassin B.'s user avatar