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Can a Gyroscope be Used to Stop a Spinning Cable?

The scenario here is a helicopter attempting to hoist someone vertically into the air. When the person leaves the ground they begin to spin (sometimes slowly, other times quite fast if not stabilized ...
Stuart Main's user avatar
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3 answers

Is flipping a coin is a stable rotation?

If I rotate a coin with dimensions: 10X10X1 about 1 of the big axes(10) in space, where there is no torque, will the rotation will be stable just like a frisbee or a football regular rotations are? ...
Guy Ab's user avatar
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The tennis racket theorem with degenerate eigenvalues $I_1, I_2 , I_3$: Are the rotations around the principal axes stable?

If a rigid body has a symmetry such that two of the principal moments of inertia are equals, i.e. $$I_1=I_2> I_3 \qquad{\rm or}\qquad I_1>I_2=I_3.$$ Are the rotations around the principal axes ...
Gabriel Sandoval's user avatar
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How, exactly, does a reaction wheel work?

Reaction wheels, mounted on spacecrafts and satellites, are used for precision attitude control. It is not clear to me how they can do this, though. My best guess is that when a motor accelerates a ...
CoilKid's user avatar
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Calculations to Determine Force Required for Gyroscopic Stabalization

I am currently undertaking a project involving gyroscopes, the aim of which is to stabilize a large object. I have read that gyroscopes work because of conservation of angular momentum, and if you ...
CoilKid's user avatar
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Why does the heaviest point on a spinning ball tend to become the topmost pole? [duplicate]

I have a mostly hollow, small clear plastic ball. Inside the ball is a weight stuck to the edge but the weight is smaller than the ball so the ball will always come to rest with the weight at the ...
Troyseph's user avatar
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Will a wheel rolling down a hill ever fall over?

Say I have a detached bicycle wheel and I roll it down an infinite, flat, asphalt inclined plane, in air (ie there will be a terminal velocity). When, if ever, will the wheel fall over? I've been ...
Owen's user avatar
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Why do gyroscopes not maintain their stability as seen in this video?

What exactly causes gyroscopes to oscillate as seen in this video. Even when my toy gyroscope spins on Earth, I get oscillations. Is this a result of ...
Monte Carlo's user avatar
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Mech stability through gyroscope

I recently read up about gyroscopes, angular momentum and mechs (the big Cockpit controlled robots) and was wondering if it would be possible to get a stable walking mech (only as example, not meant ...
Sargo Darya's user avatar