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2 answers

Intuitive Explanation for Doppler effect?

I was looking for an intuitive explanation as to why the Doppler effect happens. I haven't found any, but this is what I thought: -Waves emitted travel at a constant speed -The source emits a wave -If ...
XXb8's user avatar
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Red shifted to what?

I searched and found a lot of questions and answers about red shift here but none with the answer to mine. (sorry if it is there somewhere and I did not find it.) Everyone is saying the light from ...
OCTAV's user avatar
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How can the rest-frame spectrum of redshifted light be determined? [duplicate]

The redshift effect must work on all frequencies, so blue would be shifted down to some lower frequency, and ultra violet would be shifted down also, into the visible area. How would you know what ...
peter's user avatar
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Does redshift only affect particles of visible light?

May seem really daft but I don't know of any ways of detecting redshift in the rest of the EM spectrum, so was just wondering
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