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What's the current theory on final stages of black hole decay? [duplicate]

Okay, firstly, I know this question was asked here 11 years ago. And I know the correct answer is that we don't know because we haven't run the experiments and don't have a solid theory of quantum ...
Jerry Guern's user avatar
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When GR is not valid passing the event horizon?

A test body crosses the event horizon of a black hole. When can we say that GR breaks down? Only at the singularity? At any point CLOSE enough to the singularity? How much close? In summary, do we ...
riemannium's user avatar
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Does the uncertainty principle affect event horizons? [duplicate]

I was thinking about black holes. For a simple black hole the event horizon is given by a distance of 2 times mass (energy) of the black hole. (2m). But according to quantum mechanics, if you try to ...
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Why does Stephen Hawking say black holes don't exist?

Recently, I read in the journal Nature that Stephen Hawking wrote a paper claiming that black holes do not exist. How is this possible? Please explain it to me because I didn't understand what he ...
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