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Derivative of distance [duplicate]

I know that $speed = |\frac{\vec{dr}}{dt}|$ and first derivative of distance with respect time will be $\frac{d\vec{|r|}}{dt}|$ These 2 expressions don't seem to represent the same thing. But when I ...
Nipun Kulshreshtha's user avatar
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Does equations of motion work for distance and speed? [closed]

In some books,when solving to find the distance and speed of the object having motion in straight line,the three equation of motion are my question is whether these equation of motion (i.e $v=...
hsdfasd's user avatar
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Variables in rectilinear motion

I wrote a post few days earlier on circular motion but it seems i still haven't got the hang of it yet. When is this equation actually true? $s=ut+\frac{1}{2}at^2$ Suppose velocity is given by $v=t-2$ ...
madness's user avatar
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Does differentiating a distance with respect to time give velocity?

I'm just wondering if you have a distance function: $$ s(t) = 0.1t^2 - 5t $$ where $s(t)$ is distance and $t$ is time in seconds, does differentiating it give you a function for velocity?
Christopher U's user avatar
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Is there any proof about mathematical definition of constant speed agreeing with intuition?

First, I wanna clarify that I understand the intuition behind the definition of velocity in 1, 2 and 3-D (The derivative of the position vector). But the other day I was thinking if that definition ...
Diego's user avatar
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How to tell if area is displacement or distance?

why is it not called "velocity v. time"? how do you know? If the y-value can be either positive or negative, the direction is then indicated. i think this is why it should be called velocity but not ...
most venerable sir's user avatar