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4 answers

How can I detect when a car makes a turn using velocity vectors and account for speed?

I am trying to detect when a car makes a turn by analyzing its velocity vectors over time. Each velocity vector is represented as: $$\vec{v_t} = (X_v, Y_v)$$ Currently, I calculate the change in ...
Aaron's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Why does a graph of radius vs velocity of an object undergoing circular motion have a quadratic slope? [closed]

I'm doing a project with uniform circular motion and I cannot for the life of me understand the conceptual side of the graphs. On a graph of velocity vs radius of a bob undergoing uniform circular ...
b_cipher's user avatar
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Wave vector components from 2 column data

if I have 10 data in each column for speed (2D), how to connect those data as wave form? I need to find the components of wave vector ($k_x, K_y$). I request any suggestions regarding this.
Tasnim's user avatar
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1 answer

In a uniformly accelerated motion experiment, the acceleration can be attained from $V_{ave}$ vs. $t/2$ and $x$ vs. $t^2$ graph. How is this possible?

Specifically, in the experiment, we had to release a glider from an inclined plane (that had an angle of inclination of 10 degrees). We had to calculate the time it reaches the final position. We had ...
axolol's user avatar
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21 votes
7 answers

Line of Best Fit with or Without Constant Term

Some other physics teachers and I were discussing an AP problem about a potential experiment for measuring $g$ and disagreed on the best way to use a line of best fit to analyze the data. The ...
Luke Pritchett's user avatar
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How can I optimally rotate accelerometer readings so that the integrated velocity ends up correct? [closed]

I attached an accelerometer (with gyro/magnometer) to a curling rock and threw it down the sheet of ice. The accelerometer was not flat, and it did not travel significantly in the $z$ direction. I ...
user2460953's user avatar
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Uncertainty propagation time difference

So for an experiment we gathered time data. It a rolling object, where t2 and t1 are measurements of one whole roll of circumference. We estimated time uncertainty at 5 ms. ​ So then estimation of ...
bananenheld's user avatar
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How to find the period of a pendulum knowing only its speed and maximum arc-length?

I am writing a program to give me the period of a pendulum, the program can measure the speed of the pendulum at every 1/60th of a second (Limited by camera frame-rate.) Is it possible to know the ...
Oliver Morris's user avatar
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1 answer

How to extract velocity and acceleration from $N$-body simulation data?

I have data from an $N$-body simulation and want to do some data analysis. I would like to extract the velocity and acceleration of each particle. The data consists only of the positions of each ...
Gilfoyle's user avatar
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1 answer

Generating Positive Kinetic Energy (PKE) from car velocity [closed]

PKE have high importance on fuel consummation and Eco-driving. I have a data frame with 3 columns, Time (each second), Speed(KM/H) in each second, and RPM ,from this data frame I want to calculate ...
أيمن تليلي's user avatar
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Graph analysis of accelerometer data

I used my mobile accelerometer sensor to collect data from a moving bike where I held it in my hand in a way that the smartphone sensor +Y axis is in the direction of the moving bike always. This can ...
MKC's user avatar
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5 answers

Calculating mean velocity: using time or velocity? [closed]

Background I have been running tests which involve timing an object moving a certain (fixed) distance, $s$. Each test has been repeated 3 times, and the 3 times ($t{_{1}}, t{_{2}}, t{_{3}}$) for the ...
sdunnim's user avatar
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15 votes
8 answers

When to average in the lab for indirect measurements?

I am measuring distance and time to calculate the velocity. I repeat the experiment 10 times. What is better, to first calculate the average of distance and time and then the velocity, or to calculate ...
jrglez's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Best way of calculating average acceleration in lab experiments

I am doing a lab experiment that works as follows. An object moves along the $x$ axis with an initial acceleration and then moves with a pretty constant velocity that may slightly vary within $20\%$ (...
coder56's user avatar
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Free-Fall Lab Help - Getting weird results [closed]

So, I am doing a free-fall lab for my physics class. We got the values and I have the results here(we used a infrared photo-gate). Basically, we have a brass cylinder and a wood cylinder. Each are ...
user3864563's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Galaxy Kinematic Fitting: How to deal with Point Spread Function (PSF)

The past few months I have been studying astronomy and Integral Field Spectroscopy (IFS). What I want to do is to fit a galaxy kinematic model to data (ie: estimate the model parameters that give the ...
AstrOne's user avatar
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Lab observation correct? As distance decreases, velocity increases, stderr decreases

The experiment goes like this: Allow a moving cart to move from the top of an incline plane ($x_0$) downwards. The time taken will be recorded by the picket fence (those things you see wired up). ...
Jiew Meng's user avatar
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