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Where can I find spectra data and light curves of a stereoscopic binary star system?

I am trying to find a suitable source of spectra data and/or a light curve of a binary star (no exact star in particular), with which I would use to find velocity and period, and then find masses etc.....
Zandini3's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is this scientifically useful exoplanet transit data? [closed]

For a physics project, I am trying to derive properties of exoplanets through their transit light curve. I tried to get the data myself, on the known exoplanet Qatar-6b. My Equipment: 8" Newt. ...
Uranium Eater's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Rules of significant figures, precision, and uncertainty

In the physical sciences (which are physics, chemistry, astronomy, materials science, etc.), we learned that the uncertainty is +/- the smallest unit (which is 1) of the last significant figure if the ...
CoastCity Lapse 00crashtest's user avatar
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2 answers

Public data to practice data analysis skills

Apologies if this is the wrong place to ask this, but I am currently trying to brush up on my data analysis skill in python as I am applying to data science jobs. I am trying to find some data that I ...
0 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between horizontal units and horizontal scale at an oscilloscope?

This is a picture of the data of a given measurement by an oscilloscope. I would like to know what the difference between horizontal units and horizontal scale at an oscilloscope is. I would be so so ...
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What’s the difference between ‘decimated‘ and ‘undecimated’ data?

How is ‘decimated’ data different from ‘undecimated’ data?
PerplexedDimension's user avatar
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2 answers

Linear Regressions vs Algebra & Averaging in Solving for a Constant

I'm current taking AP Physics, and in both of the labs performed so far (Snell's Law/Refraction and Galileo's Inclined Plane), I have been trying to calculate some constant from a linear relationship ...
Isaac Krementsov's user avatar
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What Dimensionality Reduction method I can follow on a dataset that has Physics Parameter?

I am trying to model data related to Locomotive Train. We have a various set of parameters and we have the possibility to generate a few more parameters from this. Our model is currently using a lot ...
Karthik Ravi's user avatar
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1 answer

Double slit experiment/ fitting data to complicated sine function and vice versa [closed]

As part of analysing the double slit experiment, I've recorded position values for a number of minima and the central peak position. Also, I've conducted a single slit experiment (with unknown width)...
MrDerDart's user avatar
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Where to find databases from physics experiments?

In some lecture I want to write about data analysis in physics I want to show some real uses of data analysis tools in the analysis of data from real experiments. I tried to search but I couldn't find ...
1 vote
1 answer

File with particle decay data [closed]

Does anyone know of a computer parsable file that has basic physics and decay data for (quite many) observable particles, such as mesons, barions, heavy leptons and $W, Z, H$? To clarify the data I ...
0 votes
1 answer

Determining Threshold Voltage and Plateau from experimental data

I’ve been trying to figure out how to interpret the following data from the Geiger muller tube There are only seven data points. Where does the plateau begin? Has the data collection begun after the ...
frozenbooger's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

How do scientists determine when to disregard a model that has a higher correlation to data than another model?

For any set of data points, you can comprise a 100% correlated and fitted curve using a sum of sloped lines all multiplied by their respective Heaviside step functions to form a zig-zag shaped curve. ...
user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Why do we plot distributions (histograms, etc) per logarithmic interval (i.e. per "dec"/"dex")?

I was trying to explain why we plot distributions (for example the Luminosity distribution function attached) per logarithmic interval (another example would be spectral energy distributions per ...
DilithiumMatrix's user avatar
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Verify standard deviation of position samples with reference

Given are the reference data samples of a moving object and data samples that are obtained from a radar sensor with corresponding standard deviations for each sample point $\sigma_t$. I would like to ...
evolving's user avatar
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How do low voltage differential signals transmit bits

For example: There is Din+ connected to pin a1 and Din- to pin a2. Suppose I am sending "0101". How does it get sent? If there was only Din connected to Pin a1, which has a voltage supply to the bank ...
atnd's user avatar
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1 answer

Simple Error Analysis for ratio of Flow Rates in a tube

I am trying to do simple error analysis but I am running into trouble. My experiment was to determine the ratio of flow rates of different pressure amounts on the tubes. My errors are: $5\%$ error ...
Shrodinger 2016's user avatar
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1 answer

Standard convention for $x$ error bars

What is the standard convention regarding the error bars of the independent quantity in a graph? In what situations should I show the $x$ error bars? In case both $x$ and $y$ uncertainties are ...
delta_omega's user avatar
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How to convert intensity arbitray units to percentage in a XRD data?

In powder x ray diffraction result contains mainly two values 2theta and intensity where 2theta is in degree's and intensity is in arbitrary unit ...
Eka's user avatar
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Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spec file headers

I downloaded spectra from Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), which has the following column headers flux, loglam, ivar, and_mask, or_mask, wdisp, sky and model (...
Syed Ali Mohsin Bukhari's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Combining two data points with different uncertainties

I have two separate algorithms (call them "A1" and "A2") which reconstruct the $(x, y)$-position of an event in a particle detector. I can test both of these algorithms on simulated events from a very ...
Andrew Watson's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Gamma Ray Burst data

I wanted to know if there was some database for gamma ray burst (GRB) data. I would like to get the luminosity and duration of recorded GRBs. So far, I have come across this website, but since I do ...
OTH's user avatar
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2 answers

How to find time when temperature crossed certain threshold?

I have a data from experimental system concerning temperature of molten lead. In this system, temperature is increased in one place and then is measured when this increase of temperature travels to a ...
Rao's user avatar
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What is the correct way to handle significant figures when calculating compound uncertainties? [duplicate]

When processing experimental data, and calculating an uncertainty value in multiple steps, should intermediary uncertainties be used to a certain number of significant figures or kept to the full ...
user43836's user avatar
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Where can I get latest full updated list of supernovae candidates from the SDSS-II Supernova Survey?

I am doing a project where I need the list of supernovae candidates from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey II (SDSS-II) supernova survey. One list is available as part of the data-release-7 (DR7) website. ...
Xidus's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Statistical analysis of data in Physics

Analysis of data is integral in bridging the gap between theory and experiment. How much do the results of the analysis depend upon the choice between Bayesian and frequentist methods? For instance, ...
Comp_Warrior's user avatar
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Question about interpreting PDG particle cross section data sets' metadata fields

I have some question about interpreting PDG particle cross section data sets' metadata fields. The data sets I'm having questions for are For ...
Computist's user avatar
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