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Energy Dissipated by Damper Infinitesimal Derivation

If we consider a damper (dashpot) element that exerts a force opposite the direction of motion proportional to the velocity, i.e. $$ \vec{F} = -c \vec{v}$$ Therefore, we can consider an infinitesimal ...
Jacob Ivanov's user avatar
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Working with infinitesimal quantities and the motivation behind it

So in my freshman physics class, in classical mechanics the homework was (it's solved already, this isn't a homework thread) the following: "A thin, spinning ring is placed on a table, that divides ...
Johnny's user avatar
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Is friction necessary for a Tractrix Curve?

Is friction necessary for a Tractrix Curve? If friction is necessary, what curve will the particle trace if friction is not present? If friction is not necessary, what curve will the particle trace ...
Agile_Eagle's user avatar
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friction of rope wrapped around a cylinder - the Capstan Equation

I have the following problem: A rope is wound round a fixed cylinder of radius $r$ so as to make n complete turns. The coefficient of friction between the rope and cylinder is $\mu$. Show that if ...
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