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Use of $dv/ds$ in defining acceleration [duplicate]

We can write acceleration as either $dv/dt$ or $v dv/ds$. And surprisingly the work-energy theorem arrives from the second definition. I feel it would be fundamentally understanding towards work ...
Psychic456's user avatar
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Second derivative of unit vector

We know that the second derivative of unit vector (the vector from a point toward the source) is proportional to the Electric field caused by the source in a particular point. If we imagine that our ...
Rojan's user avatar
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26 votes
21 answers

What happens when a car starts moving? The last moment the car is at rest versus the first moment the car moves

Imagine a car that's at rest and then it starts moving. Consider these two moments: The last moment the car is at rest. The first moment the car moves. The question is: what happens between these 2 ...
fab's user avatar
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1 answer

Doubt in Verlet's Algorithm

In studying the temporal evolution of a system according to the deterministic model, we begin by considering a Taylor series expansion for the displacement $r$. First, we consider a positive variation ...
user3204810's user avatar
2 votes
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Why take the derivative of variables such as area, mass, and radius?

I'm taking a module on stars and the solar system; I've attached notes from our first lecture- hydrostatic equilibrium. I'm confused about the notation $\mathrm{d}$ for $\mathrm{d}A, \, \mathrm{d}r$, ...
canihavealmondmilk's user avatar
1 vote
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Perfect gas relation in differential form [closed]

I have a problem to understand the transformation of the perfect gas relation: $$ \rho\cdot R\cdot T = P $$ into its differential form: $$\frac {dp}{p} = \frac {d{\rho}}{\rho} + \frac {d{T}}{T}$$ How ...
Łukasz's user avatar
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Smoothness (differentiability class) of physical quantities

The concept of differentiability is fundamental to Physics. For instance, already second Newton's law $$\mathbf{F} = m \frac{\mathrm{d}^2 s}{\mathrm{d}t^2}$$ involves the second derivative of space ...
en-drix's user avatar
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Where did $1/2$ of this come from? [duplicate]

Work done by an external force $F$ upon a particle displacing from point 1 to point 2 is defined as $$ W_{12} = \int_1^2 F \cdot dr \, .$$ Kinetic energy and work-energy theorem: According to Newton's ...
arvind mannadey's user avatar
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Equations with fractional derivatives

Assume we have an equation which represents the flux of some quantity as $q = -D \dfrac{\partial T}{\partial x}$ (Eqn. 1), where the diffusion coefficient $D$, variable $T$, $x$ and $q$ have some ...
fluxBoy's user avatar
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Derivative of the product of a scalar function and a vector valued function

According to Berkeley Physics Course, Volume 1 Mechanics, The time derivative of a vector valued function can be derived from the formula: $$ \mathbf{r}(t) = r(t)\mathbf{\hat{r}}(t) $$ where the ...
coolguy79's user avatar
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2 answers

Differential form of Planck's Distribution Law interpretation

So I didn't encounter differentials that often until now, I was taught that the seperate parts of $dy/dx$ for example are not supposed to have any sort of independent existence - ok. (Calculus, 4th ...
iwab's user avatar
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Why is linear charge density $dq/dl$ and not $q/l$?

If linear charge density is charge per unit length then shouldn't it be $q/l$. Why is it $dq/dl$ instead? Wouldn't that mean it is only being calculated for a small element and not the whole length?
Niteesh Kumar's user avatar
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How to "rectify" this wave-equation derivation for Longitudinal waves?

To derive the differential equation for longitudinal waves, my professor proceeded like this: We are using the concept of $N$-coupled oscillators. Consider a slab of length $l$ and cross sectional ...
S Das's user avatar
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6 answers

Is integration physical, but differentiation is not? [closed]

There are electrical (e.g. analogue computers), and even mechanical (ball-pen) methods to generate the integral of a given function. On the other hand, naively differentiating a physically given ...
J Fabian Meier's user avatar
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How to calculate jerk in uniform circular motion?

We can calculate the centripetal acceleration in circular motion by the equation v^2/r. But how do we calculate the jerk (which is acceleration over time)?
Carl's user avatar
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What is $F$ and what is $P$ in the sentence "$F × dP$ is a total differential"?

The physicist Emilio Segrè, as a student, attended lessons of Calculus given by Francesco Severi and of Analytical Mechanics given by Tullio Levi-Civita. Segrè wrote in his autobiography1 For many ...
Alessandro Jacopson's user avatar
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How do force and mass work with all derivatives of position?

I think if $F(t) = kt^0$ then $$x(t) = x_0 + v_0t + \frac{k}{m}\frac{t^2}{2!},$$ and if $F(t) = kt^1$ then $$x(t) = x_0 + v_0t + \frac{k}{m} \frac{t^2}{2!} + \frac{k}{m} \frac{t^3}{3!},$$ and so on, ...
clara raquel's user avatar
7 votes
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In equation (3) from lecture 7 in Leonard Susskind’s ‘Classical Mechanics’, should the derivatives be partial?

Here are the equations. ($V$ represents a potential function and $p$ represents momentum.) $$V(q_1,q_2) = V(aq_1 - bq_2)$$ $$\dot{p}_1 = -aV'(aq_1 - bq_2)$$ $$\dot{p}_2 = +bV'(aq_1 - bq_2)$$ Should ...
Bradley Peacock's user avatar
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Differential form of Lorentz equations

A Lorentz transformation for a boost in the $x$ direction ($S'$ moves in $+x$, $v>0$) is given by: $$ t'=\gamma\left(t-v\frac{x}{c^2}\right),~x'=\gamma(x-vt)$$ In the derivation of the addition of ...
ceciled's user avatar
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Why do I get two different expression for $dV$ by different methods?

So, I was taught that if we have to find the component for a very small change in volume say $dV$ then it is equal to the product of total surface of the object say $s$ and the small thickness say $dr$...
Madly_Maths's user avatar
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7 answers

How does the result of derivative become different from average ratio calculation?

Lets give an example. Velocity, $v=ds/dt$. If we know the value of $s$ (displacement) and $t$ (time), we can instantly find the value of $v$. But then this $v$ will be the average velocity. Now ...
Arafat's user avatar
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Problem with resources, Walter Lewin's third lecture

I've watched Walter's third lecture in 8.01 and I have a small problem with the last part, where he says that $$\vec r_t=x_t\cdot \hat x\ +\ y_t\cdot \hat y\ +\ z_t\cdot \hat z \\ \vec v_t=\frac{d\vec ...
0 votes
0 answers

When can I commute the 4-gradient and the "space-time" integral?

Let's say I have the following situation $$I = \dfrac{\partial}{\partial x^{\alpha}}\int e^{k_{\mu}x^{\mu}} \;d^4k$$ Would I be able to commute the integral and the partial derivative? If so, why is ...
clebbf's user avatar
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Material to Study the Definition, Algebra, and Use of Infinitesimals in Physics [closed]

This is going to be a rather general question about suggestions on best supplementary material to properly explain the use of infinitesimals (or differentials?) for the purposes of integration or ...
0 votes
1 answer

Differentiation of a product of functions

If I have three (vector)functions, all dependent on different (complex)variables: \begin{equation} a = X^{\mu_1}(z_1, \bar{z}_1), b = X^{\mu_2}(z_2, \bar{z}_2), c= X^{\mu_3}(z_3, \bar{z}_3) \end{...
j_stoney's user avatar
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1 answer

What does this equation for density mean?

What does this equation for density mean? $$\rho = \lim_{\Delta V\to\varepsilon^3} \ \frac{\Delta m}{\Delta V}$$
sebbbb's user avatar
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Space-for-time Derivative Substitution in Solving for Elliptical Orbit

I am currently working on a simulation of the Newton's Cannonball thought experiment, in which a stone is launched horizontally from atop a tall mountain at a high speed (in the absence of air) and ...
Oscar Jaroker's user avatar
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Partial derivative operator

It's mentioned in this paper that if $\partial^i \partial^j$ applied on an equation like: $$ x \delta_{ij} + (\nabla^2 \delta_{ij}- \partial_i \partial_j) y =0 $$ It yields a couple of equations: $$ ...
Dr. phy's user avatar
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Why is the differential form of Gauss's Law equivalent to the integral form?

I can understand the Differential form of Gauss's Law ∇⋅𝐄= $\frac{ρ}{ɛ_0}$ as saying that the source of electric field vectors or flow disperse(The divergence of the electric field) is equal to the ...
244529's user avatar
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In $a = dv/dt$, is $a$ the net acceleration? [closed]

While going through the calculus approach to accelerate, we have, $$a = dv/dt, $$ I think, here, v and a should be in the same axis, is my process correct? in a planar motion in two dimensions, it ...
sachin's user avatar
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Proof that small change in temperature leads to small change in entropy

I have been trying to find a mathematical proof (or even from a reliable source) which verifies that/proves that: A small change in temperature leads to a small change in entropy. However, I was ...
PhysicsLover's user avatar
1 vote
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First law of thermodynamics: Can we always speak in terms of infinitesimal changes?

While reading lecture notes for the course on thermodynamics I have encountered some tiny details that seem extremely important for the understanding of the topic. However, something seems amiss so, I ...
Tomasz P's user avatar
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Derivation of the state equation of a van der Waals gas. Can I invert the derivative to help me?

The state equation of a van der Waals gas is $$\left(P+\frac{a}{v^2}\right)(v-b)=RT$$ with $a,b$ and $R$ constant. Find $$\frac{\partial v}{\partial T}\bigg\rvert_P.$$ Finding $\frac{\partial v}{\...
Marcelo's user avatar
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2 answers

Average velocity showing different results

I was solving a question, in which, a particle has travelled a distance $s$, with initial velocity $0$ and constant acceleration. So the equation of motion becomes, $$ v = a t \tag{1} $$ and $$ v = \...
Agent_A's user avatar
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Derivation of lagrange equation in classical mechanics

I'm currently working on classical mechanics and I am stuck in a part of the derivation of the lagrange equation with generalized coordinates. I just cant figure it out and don't know if it's just ...
Jan Oreel's user avatar
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Are we allowed to cancel the units of a derivative?

Since the volume of a sphere $v(r)=\frac{4}{3} \pi r^{3} \left[m^{3}\right]$, its derivative relative to the radius is: $$ \frac{dv}{dr} =4\pi r^{2} \left[\frac{m^{3}}{m}\right] $$ Which is also a ...
Stanislav Bashkyrtsev's user avatar
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Can the different differentiation notations be equated and do they have an integral definition? [closed]

Are these all equivalent and is there an extension of this to other notation? Does anyone have a clear and concise chart equating the different notation dialects? I am also curious if there are more ...
Kenneth Mikolaichik's user avatar
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How to calculate wave equation from a stretched string?

I am reading "Introduction to Electrodynamics" [Griffiths] and in section 9.1.1, there is an explanation for why a stretched string supports wave motion. It begins as follows: It identifies ...
shafe's user avatar
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Why is it wrong to find centripetal acceleration using change of velocity over change of time?

This question asks to find the centripetal acceleration by giving the initial and final velocity over the change of time. As shown, my book combined two rules to find the acceleration. I utterly ...
Manar's user avatar
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Laplace transform: How to evaluate partial derivative in the denominator of a fraction?

I am solving a differential equation using the Laplace transform. However, to evaluate it I need to evaluate some strange terms. Specifically, I have a partial derivative in the denominator of the ...
J.Agusti's user avatar
-5 votes
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Why is the regular Taylor expansion so similar to the construction of the Hamiltonian from a Lagrangian/Legendre transform?

An example of a first order Taylor expansion of a function with two variables is given by: $$f\left(x,y\right)=f\left(x_0,y_0\right)+\left(x-x_0\right)\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}+\left(y-y_0\right)\...
bananenheld's user avatar
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Why does $\delta \vec{r} = \delta \vec{ \theta} \times \vec{r}$?

Hello fellow physicists, I was trying to understand some behavior on rotating objects, specifically about the formula $\vec{v} = \vec{\omega} \times \vec{r}$. The Book (Marion, J. B. (1965). Classical ...
Carrot Carron't's user avatar
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What are some ways to derive $\left( \boldsymbol{E}\cdot \boldsymbol{E} \right) \nabla =\frac{1}{2}\nabla \boldsymbol{E}^2$?

For each of the two reference books the constant equations are as follows: $$ \boldsymbol{E}\times \left( \nabla \times \boldsymbol{E} \right) =-\left( \boldsymbol{E}\cdot \nabla \right) \boldsymbol{E}...
Vancheers's user avatar
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Cross factor for dependent terms in a differential?

How do you derive a cross factor to decouple differentials into independent differentials? For example: $$ d(PV)= PdV+VdP $$ $$ PV=\int{PdV}+\int{VdP} $$ Obviously dP and dV are related. Do you simply ...
ChemEng's user avatar
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Why does $\vec{r}\cdot\dot{\vec{r}}=r\dot{r}$?

Why is $$\vec{r}\cdot\dot{\vec{r}}=r\dot {r}$$ true? Before saying anything, I have seen the proofs using spherical coordinates for $$\dot{\vec {r}}= \dot{r}\vec{u_r}+r\dot{\theta}\vec{u_\theta}+r\sin\...
Ulshy's user avatar
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Velocity to Acceleration negative line [closed]

Is the velocity line in below 0 is a different acceleration line? For example from 0 - 6s and from 10 - 17s. It has the same slope.
Howard Tran's user avatar
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Weird derivative with respect to inverse temperature identity in Tong's statistical physics lecture notes

While reading David Tong's Statistical Physics lecture notes ( I came across this weird identity in page 26 (at the end of the 1.3.4 free energy ...
duodenum's user avatar
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Equality of variables for small values of time, when the time derivative of the variables are equal to one another

It is given that $\frac{ds}{dt} = \frac{d\theta}{dt}$, i.e. the time derivative of s and $\theta$ are equal to each other. Does it follow that for small values of $t$, $\Delta s ≈ \Delta \theta$? My ...
Joel Sam Johnson's user avatar
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Why does $\vec{a}=\vec{\omega}\times \vec{r}$ as well as the velocity does?

Today I came in class and in one of the problems the teacher used $\vec{a}=\vec{\omega}\times \vec{r}$ which made me very confused because I don't know where it comes from, it seems pulled out of thin ...
Ulshy's user avatar
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Variation of Torsion-Free Spin Connection

In the book 'Supergravity' by Freedman and van Proeyen, in exercise (7.27) it is written To calculate [the variation $\delta\omega_{\mu ab}$ of the torsion-free spin connection], consider the ...
vyali's user avatar
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