Previously, the Design Systems Team created a list of likely [[ | core components ]] as part of an exercise to determine a workflow for determining when to create a variant of an existing component and when to create a separate component. The initial list of components includes:
(Components that have design spec sheets and have been built in the Codex library are in bold)
- //Buttons//: **Button**, ActionButtonGroup, **ToggleButton**, ToggleButtonGroup, FloatingButton
- //Chips//: InfoChip, FilterChip
- //Inputs & Controls//: **Checkbox**, ChipInput, **Combobox**, DateInput, DatePicker, FileInput, **Lookup**, NumberInput, **Radio**, **Select**, Textarea, **TextInput**, **ToggleSwitch**
- //Menu//: **Menu**, **MenuItem**
- //Message//: **Message**, ValidationMessage, ToastNotification
- //Progress//: ProgressIndicator, **ProgressBar**
- //Search//: **SearchInput**, **TypeaheadSearch**
- //Tabs//: **Tabs**, **Tab**
- //Other//: Badge, Card, Dialog, Diff, Field, **Icon**, Link, Popup/Popover, Table, **Thumbnail**, Tooltip
Please see the spreadsheet linked above for more information on each component, and for a list of useful but likely non-core components that we also considered.
We'd like to finalize this list and document it publicly to inform potential consumers of Codex and the Design System what components they can expect to be available to them.
#### Acceptance criteria
- [] Validate and finalize the list of core components
- [] Document the list of core components so that consumers of our products can view it
- [] Stretch goal: prioritize the list of core components
- [] Stretch goal: set a timeframe on at least the higher priority components