Would be good to set up a meeting and/or if Alvin joined this Workspace to see how we can do this better and whats in it for Alvin/Wikidata/ Wikipedia
I wlll try to get some feedback from the WIkipedia community right now it feels like the landing page could be better
A comment on this article [[ https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henrik_Zedritz | Henrik_Zedritz ]] were I tested link Alvin see [[ https://sv.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Henrik_Zedritz&oldid=46006293 | old version ]]
# The landing page is a 2 click page maybe we could get more like Worldcat [[ https://www.worldcat.org/identities/lccn-n81-147736/ | example Alfred Nobel ]] that display Alfred Nobel and related books on one page etc...
# Should we have a feedback loop
# [[ https://w.wiki/4wc | Potenial duplicates ]] in Alvin
# Alvin connected with **unsure** see [[ https://w.wiki/7Fc | query english ]] / [[ https://w.wiki/6vx | query swedish]] and Category [[ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Category:P6821_Error | P6821_Error ]] ([[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWcn0Zr6rbs&feature=youtu.be | video ]] in Swedish)
# change stream/ new stream compare WIkidata
# [[ https://tools.wmflabs.org/wikidata-todo/rcvis.html | recent changes ]] in Wikidata
# [[ https://tools.wmflabs.org/wikidata-todo/sparql_rc.php?sparql=SELECT+%3Fq+WHERE+%7B+%3Fq+wdt%3AP6821+%5B%5D+%7D&start=last+week&end=&user_lang=&sort_mode=last_edit | recent changes done in Wikidata to objects connected to P6821 ]] "Alvin property"
# The scope of Alvin?
# we have alvin-place, alvin-people, alvin-organisation and some containers
# any plans of extending that
# we have [[ https://www.alvin-portal.org/alvin/resultList.jsf?dswid=830&searchType=EXTENDED&sortString=relevance_sort_desc&noOfRows=10&af=%5B%5D&query=&aq=%5B%5B%7B%22A_SWD%22%3A%22Riddarholmskyrkan%22%7D%5D%5D&aqe=%5B%5D | in Alvin ämnesområde like Riddarholmskyrkan ]] in Wikidata we try to connect people/books e.g. objects connected to Riddarholmskyrkan http://tinyurl.com/y334xnvy
# any plans for moving "ämnesområde" to "authorities" like same as [[ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q657118 | Q657118 ]]
# SPARQL endpoint
# one pattern we have tested is SPARQL endpoints see T200668
# linking sv:WIkipedia, en:WIkipedia are good patterns when matching any plans of linking Wikidata
# what echo system are Alvin part of do you add everything by hand or do you have bots
# any suggestions what we should add to Wikidata
# [[ https://w.wiki/536 | List of external properties ]] on WD objects connected to Alvin / [[ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Template:Sweden_properties | Swedish properties ]]
# plans
# working with Riksarkivet TORA?
# working with Runestones like "[[ https://www.raa.se/kulturarv/runor-och-runstenar/projektet-evighetsrunor/ | Projektet Evighetsrunor ]]"?
# Wikidata and upload like CC0 to Wikicommons?
# start using [[ https://orcid.org/ | ORCID ]]?
# [[ https://w.wiki/5C3 | Report what we have today in WD ]]
# in WIkidata we try to create citations graphs of scientific papers using WD and a tool [[ https://tools.wmflabs.org/scholia/ | Scholia ]]
== Riddarholmskyrkan in Wikidata
* Wikidata [[ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q657118 | Q657118 ]] Riddarholmskyrkan
* http://tinyurl.com/y334xnvy displays people connected to Riddarholmskyrkan
* Book connected to Wikidata
* [[ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q61765464 | Q61765464 ]] Riddarholmskyrkan: hela band 45 see [[ http://kulturarvsdata.se/raa/samla/html/6890 | samla 6890 ]]
* [[ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q61762372 | Q61762372 ]] Riddarholmskyrkan [[ http://samla.raa.se/xmlui/handle/raa/6873 | samla 6873 ]]
* Uppsala domkyrka = [[ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q850042 | Q850042 ]] is in Alvin [[ http://www.alvin-portal.org/alvin/view.jsf?pid=alvin-organisation%3A4110&dswid=-1378 | alvin-organisation:4110 ]] compare Riddarholmskyrkan that is found as [[http://www.alvin-portal.org/alvin/resultList.jsf?dswid=3186&searchType=EXTENDED&sortString=relevance_sort_desc&noOfRows=10&af=%5B%5D&query=&aq=%5B%5B%7B%22A_SWD%22%3A%22Riddarholmskyrkan%22%7D%5D%5D&aqe=%5B%5D | Ämnesområde Riddarholmskyrkan ]]