This task tracks the work and steps involved with extending support for automatic topic subscriptions from #discussiontools to all editing interfaces (see `===Editing interfaces` below for definition).
=== Plan
|Step #|Action|Purpose|Ticket(s)
|1.| Introduce automatic subscriptions to DiscussionTools |**1)** Validate auto-subscribe actions – posting a new comment and starting a new topic – align with peoples' expectations and needs, **2)** Validate the first-run experience appears at the right moment and is sufficiently informative, and **3)** listen for demand for auto-subs to be extended to other interfaces| T284836, T262103, T282636|
|2.| Introduce automatic subscriptions to //all// editing interfaces |**1)** Provide volunteers greater access to, and flexibility with, using functionality they have come to value and depend on | T290778, T290779. //Note: this step assumes this is sufficient demand for this to happen.//|
=== Editing interfaces
"All editing interfaces" in this context means all interfaces listed in the chart below...
|Interface|Link|Step |
| Reply Tool | [Reply Tool](| Step 1
| New Discussion Tool | [New Discussion Tool](| Step 1
|MobileFrontend wikitext editor |[Extension:MobileFrontend](| Step 2
| WikiEditor | [Extension:WikiEditor](|Step 2
|WikiEditor-based `section=new` interface|[Extension:WikiEditor](|Step 2
|PageUpdater: Manual:PageUpdater.php|[ Manual:PageUpdater.php](|Step 2