The language committee has approved the creation of Wikipedia Doteli.
Language code: dty
Site URL:
Project name: विकिपीडिया
Project namespace: विकिपीडिया
Project talk namespace: विकिपीडिया_वार्ता
Timezone: Asia/Kathmandu
Local file uploads: disabled
Thank you.
#### Checklist
* [ ] **Preparation** <>
* [ ] Notify:
* [x] Task with creation details
* [ ] Subtask for DBA and Labs
* [x] DNS
* [x] Apache configuration
* [x] Language committee
* [ ] **Install** <>
* [x] MediaWiki configuration – <>
* [x] Database creation
* [ ] RESTBase
* [x] Parsoid
* [x] Search
* [x] Swift
* [ ] Labs
* [ ] **Post-install** <>
* [x] Wikidata
* [ ] Analytics
* [ ] Cxserver
* [ ] Wikistats