== Background and goal
After identifying and defining tokens in
- {T288383} and
- {T295606},
it's obligatory to move Codex over to exclusively use package design tokens over Single File Components (SFCs) variables definition.
== Remaining SFC variables per component to be transformed
{icon check color=green} **Button**
All tokenized.
{icon check color=green} **ButtonGroup**
All tokenized.
{icon check color=green} **Link**
{icon check color=green} ***link*** mixin
{icon check color=green} **Card**
All tokenized.
{icon check color=green} **Dialog**
All tokenized.
{icon check color=green} **Icon**
All tokenized.
{icon check color=green} **TextInput**
All tokenized.
{icon check color=green} **Checkbox/Radio**
{icon check color=green} ***binary-input*** mixin
All tokenized.
***pending-state*** mixin, this should be removed entirely. Non-DS design.
{icon check color=green} **Combobox**
All tokenized.
{icon check color=green} **Menu**
All tokenized.
{icon check color=green} **MenuItem**
All tokenized.
{icon check color=green} ***element-with-menu-expanded.less*** mixin, in use in Combobox, Lookup, Select, TypeaheadSearch
All tokenized.
{icon check color=green} **Message**
All tokenized.
{icon check color=green} **ProgressBar**
All tokenized.
{icon check color=green} **Select**
All tokenized.
Note, that `background-position: center right @spacing-75` is questionable, but we've got spacing token flexbility in there, which should be satisfying.
{icon check color=green} **Tabs**
All tokenized.
{icon check color=green} **Thumbnail**
All tokenized. Note that we've got `align-items: center; justify-content: center;` in style code, but not as SFC vars. Unclear if theming needs would make that useful.
{icon check color=green} **ToggleButton**
All tokenized.
{icon check color=green} **ToggleButtonGroup**
All tokenized.
{icon check color=green} **ToggleSwitch**
`translateX` not tokenized, but SFC var anyways. And questionable if useful from theming perspective.
{icon check color=green} **TypeaheadSearch**
All tokenized.