As a user with limited email digesting capabilities*, I want phabricator to make some basic digesting on my stead, so that I'm not overwhelmed; and to have a consistent behaviour across web interface and emails, so that I'm not confused.
I. Observed: the web interface bundles/digests/collates tightly connected events by a single user under a single header/timestamp, e.g. . The emails instead show separately the actions which were made separately. Not only the additional emails are annoying, but whether some actions were made together or in multiple steps is totally irrelevant for me as a subscriber, to the point they're often impossible to verify in the web interface (because not displayed).
II. Expected: a single email should be sent for all the events which the web interface bundles together. A delay in sending the email notifications may be added, if needed for this purpose.
(*) Note: I don't fall in this category so I don't have a COI in filing this task.