- Edit a page
- Put cursor at the end of a line
- Go to toolbar and Insert new link
- The input field is focussed, blur it by clicking somewhere inside the inspector outside the input field
- Click the trash can (since there is no "x" close button, that's the closest I can find in the top left or right corner)
- The inspector clears itself but stays behind (crashes half-way closing)
Uncaught Error: No class registered by that name: undefined ve.Factory.js:62
ve.Factory.create ve.Factory.js:62
ve.dm.SurfaceFragment.annotateContent ve.dm.SurfaceFragment.js:518
ve.ui.AnnotationInspector.onClose ve.ui.AnnotationInspector.js:162
ve.ui.Window.close ve.ui.Window.js:281
ve.ui.Inspector.onRemoveButtonClick ve.ui.Inspector.js:89
oo.EventEmitter.emit oo.js:421
ve.ui.IconButtonWidget.onClick ve.ui.IconButtonWidget.js:61
proxy load.php?debug=true&lang=en&modules=jquery%2Cmediawiki&only=scripts&skin=vector&version=20130715T175253Z:775
jQuery.event.dispatch load.php?debug=true&lang=en&modules=jquery%2Cmediawiki&only=scripts&skin=vector&version=20130715T175253Z:3058
An empty inspector stays behind and the user can no longer interact with any links at this point. When doing anything (scrolling, typing) the inspector will hide. Except the bubble tip on top, that one stays behind...
Version: unspecified
Severity: critical