Example from yesterday: https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Log&dir=prev&offset=20130211005632&limit=2&type=pagetranslation
[[m:Template:OurProjects]] was moved from [[m:Template:OurProjects2012]]; all the translations units are still under the old title and translation pages under new title are now 0 % translated.
The translatable page didn't have subpages to be moved along with it, and there were no (sub)pages under the new title so move didn't have any obstacle; job queue is around 1500/2000.
If the move is just somewhere in the queue, this is only a bug about misleading completion messages.
Note: this is not about display problems; I had a problem that *looked* the same with [[m:Post-edit feedback]] (translated pages shown as untranslated on <languages/>), which fixed itself in a few weeks, but it's a different one because translation units had been moved correctly.
Version: unspecified
Severity: major
See Also: