Author: flamurai
With the current Wiki syntax, I can't do something like:
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer molestie. Cras sed wisi.
Aliquam imperdiet, pede a fermentum ullamcorper, felis ligula molestie orci, in cursus nulla velit vitae enim.
Suspendisse suscipit. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur tempor augue.
- Donec vitae ligula. In nonummy justo id magna. Praesent mollis imperdiet velit. Curabitur dolor.
I can't also get:
There are five things you have to do. The first three are really annoying:
- Praesent pretium augue nec est.
- Donec viverra wisi tempor justo.
- Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique.
The last two are fun.
- Etiam interdum congue urna.
- Suspendisse consequat nonummy leo.
There needs to be some sort of markup to avoid HTML and hard numbering lists
that allows you to group lists together.
For the first issue, this makes the most sense to me:
This is the first paragraph of list item one.
This paragraph is a continuation of list item one.
This is the third paragraph of list item one.
This is list item two.
This would also work with bulleted lists:
- This is the first paragraph of list item one.
This paragraph is a continuation of list item one.
This is the third paragraph of list item one.
- This is list item two.
This should produce the following output in either case:
<p>This is the first paragraph of list item one.</p> <p>This paragraph is a continuation of list item one.</p> <p>This is the third paragraph of list item one.</p>
<p>This is list item two.</p>
My suggestion for the second issue would be:
- Item one
- Item two
Some descriptive text
#^ Item three
Item four
The caret means it should continue from the above list. I don't think
HTML4/XHTML1 has a way to do this automatically, so the parser would have to
keep track of the current list count and use the li value attribute to start the
list at the proper number.
You can't assign a specific value to an ordered list item. This is important
when quoting a partial list from an outside source. Hard-numbering the list is a
bad idea because it produces a different style, mainly, it doesn't indent the text.
I propose the following solution
#3# This is list item 3
#442# This is list item 442
This is list item 443
#37# This is list item 37
Some body text
#^ This is list item 38
This is list item 39
For similarilty, it might be wise to alter the caret notation to have a trailing
hash mark as well: #^# instead of #^, though it doesn't seem absolutely
necessary because I can't think of many phrases that need to start with a caret.
If the parser encounters bad markup inside the hash marks (e.g. #stupid#), it
should just treat it as a regular list item in the sequence.
Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement
See Also: