Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):
- go to a function using a typed list as an input type, eg.
- click to Details
- click on Add test,
- click on Call Function under Call
- enter "concatenate list" and select the function
- click on the + / Plus button
What happens?:
It asks for a type
Since the input is a Typed List of String, this should just let us enter strings.
But ignoring that, I try to enter String in Select a type, and when I select it, it gives me a field for value, but leave an empty field in type.
If I then add a value and select a result validation function "string equality" and then enter a value there, and try to save it, I get a "Not wellformed" error on publishing
What should have happened instead?:
- ideally, it should not let me select the type but use the fixed type of string for the elements
- it should let me choose a type for the element
Software version (skip for WMF-hosted wikis like Wikipedia):
Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):
This also applies when creating an implementation, or using it when running a function, e.g. here: