- Like you know I work on the Module:Centralizer in French WikiSource
and in Lua we always can code : function XXX.dropbox(selector, ...)
local args = {...} But, from yesterday, this give an error :
"Erreur Lua dans Module:Centralizer à la ligne 9729 : cannot use '...' outside a vararg function near .... "
- This task concern the Lua coding
- This error forbid to code in Lua
- I don't write a dedicated test because this is trivial to code in any module
- Of course this blocks all Lua coding
- Debug that as soon as possible"
- Where and when to use the proposed solution"
- All active Lua coders probably have the same question and hope a return to a normal situation + Rical.
- This is the first step : the declaration of the task"
- https://fr.wikisource.org/w/index.php?title=Module:Centralizer&action=submit
- https://fr.wikisource.org/wiki/Utilisateur:Rical"