There should be a tutorial that shows how to create a larger-scale application with OOUI.
Possible Topics:
- Using the Model-View-Controller Pattern
- Unidirectional data flow
- Testing the Application and its components with QUnit
- Single Responsibility Principle
Open issues from patch (PS 4):
- Move/Refactor snippets to use module syntax (Tutorial.Advanced1.Version1.TodoController) instead of numbered class versions. This will fix the remaining eslint errors and enable ...
- Automatically inserting source code in tutorial HTML. We could create a Grunt string-replace configuration that looks for markers (containing file names and line numbers) in the HTML file and inserts file contents in the HTML.
- Better guidance for the readers, which files to create/change, so they can follow along as an interactive tutorial.
- Expand the text in the introduction and summary section.
- Add the HTML file to navigational links/menus in footer and header of all tutorial HTML files
- Proofreading and editing.