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Deduplicate I18N messages between Wikibase and WikibaseCirrusSearch
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This is apparently causing some logspam.
We should rename i18n entries in WikibaseCirrusSearch so that they no longer conflict with Wikibase.
This was reported on IRC:

16:38 <Nikerabbit> Key 8:wikibase-haswbstatement-feature-no-valid-statements already belongs to ext-wikibase-repo-interface, conflict with ext-wikibasecirrussearch
16:38 <Nikerabbit> anyone know that code?
16:56 <Nikerabbit> not urgent, just a little bit of logspam
17:02 <+dcausse> Nikerabbit: yes an extension is being moved out of wikibase, the solution is to rename the message key?
17:24 <Nikerabbit> dcausse: original key should be removed from wikibase if unused there, otherwise rename

Event Timeline

dcausse renamed this task from Deduplicate I18N messages between Wikbase and WikibaseCirrusSearch to Deduplicate I18N messages between Wikibase and WikibaseCirrusSearch.Feb 22 2019, 5:13 PM
dcausse triaged this task as Medium priority.
dcausse moved this task from needs triage to Wikibase Search on the Discovery-Search board.

This is a bit tricky, since we have transition period. I could change the names, but then any edits to the old ones done while in transition (and this could be weeks) will be lost. We could remove the Wikibase part but I am not sure it's safe to do now that the extension is not enabled yet on all wikis.

Change 492382 had a related patch set uploaded (by Smalyshev; owner: Smalyshev):
[mediawiki/extensions/WikibaseCirrusSearch@master] Rename i18n strings for the extension

How about putting the duplicated messages in WikibaseCirrusSearch to another i18n file that is not registered in

Change 492382 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/WikibaseCirrusSearch@master] Rename i18n strings for the extension

debt claimed this task.