This is apparently causing some logspam.
We should rename i18n entries in WikibaseCirrusSearch so that they no longer conflict with Wikibase.
This was reported on IRC:
16:38 <Nikerabbit> Key 8:wikibase-haswbstatement-feature-no-valid-statements already belongs to ext-wikibase-repo-interface, conflict with ext-wikibasecirrussearch 16:38 <Nikerabbit> anyone know that code? 16:56 <Nikerabbit> not urgent, just a little bit of logspam 17:02 <+dcausse> Nikerabbit: yes an extension is being moved out of wikibase, the solution is to rename the message key? 17:24 <Nikerabbit> dcausse: original key should be removed from wikibase if unused there, otherwise rename