Kids and Parenting Advice

Here, we embrace the power of positive parenting and gentle techniques to nurture your child's growth and well-being. Dive into a world of parenting wisdom, explore good parenting practices, and discover valuable insights on child development. Uncover parenting hacks and mom hacks that make everyday moments a little brighter. Join us in celebrating the joys of smart parenting and fostering strong parent-child bonds. 🌟👶 #PositiveParenting #ChildDevelopment #ParentingHacks #SmartParenting
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7 Sections
Tips to Reduce Your Child’s Sugar Intake
Discover how to reduce your child’s sugar intake with these simple yet powerful tips! Learn how to transition to healthier options and eliminate sugary snacks from your child’s diet. Take action now to improve your child’s overall health and well-being. #howtoreducechildsugarintake #healthyliving #parentingtips
Fire Safety Tips for Kids
Are you teaching fire safety with preschoolers this Fall? If so, these fire safety tips and activities for kids are sure to be a hit. Create a fire safety plan and teach safety tips like stop, drop, and roll, academics such as shapes, numbers, letters and more in this fun fire theme for kids.
Looking for helpful ideas on how to potty train your toddler peacefully. Checkout these 5 amazing tips that can help you potty train your toddler. #pottytraining #toilettraining #trainingpants #pottytrainingtips #potty #pottytrainingboys #pottytrainingproblems #toddlerlife #pottytime #toilettrainingtips #parenting #pottypants #baby #pottytrainingtime #kids #pottytrainingsuccess
Learning To Read Can Be Easy And Fun With Reading Eggs - Totally Mon Sense
Getting your little one to enjoy reading is a difficult task and requires constant practicing. There has been proven scientifically that kids that are read to from early on have better and improved learning & social skills. Reading from an early stage can help in early childhood development as well as have many additional benefits like enhanced concentration and improved language skills. In this post, I am sharing a great way to introduce reading to your little ones in a fun and interactive way.
5-step easy morning routine for working moms
Mornings can get very hectic real fast. And on top of that if you are a working mother, if things are not planned properly then they can get extremely chaotic in the morning. In this blog post I am sharing my simple and effective five step morning routine that has worked very well for me. It helps me get through the morning absolutely stress-free as well makes me feel really productive throughout the day. #morningroutine #workingmom #momtips #momlife #motherhood
Parenting Teens: Tips to Help Them Feel Connected, Competent, and Confident
If your teen is struggling with “big emotions” like anxiety, anger, frustration, or a lack of direction, don’t miss this episode with Dr. Melanie as she walks us through tips to help teens build vital skills to carry them through the transition to adulthood and beyond!
15 Surprising Things to Ban to Raise Kind Kids
15 Surprising things to ban to raise kind kids. Looking for fun ways to help your children be kind to each other. What we can do to help improve the attitude and atmosphere in our homes. How to raise kids who are kind with others. These 15 things could be causing more trouble than they are worth in your home. A top parenting hack from parents who are ready for their children to be kind. #raisekindkids #positiveparenting
Stuck Indoors? Things Kids Can Do To Stay Sane
Stuck Indoors? Things Kids Can Do To Stay Sane. Learn the three most important things to focus on when you are stuck inside with your kids for whatever reason. These are great for long winter days or for rainy day play. These indoor play ideas can help save your sanity!
How to Respond When Your Kiddo Tells You "No" - Babywise Mom
How to respond when your kiddo says no. What to do when your child tells you no after given an instruction. Get step-by-step guidelines for baby through 8 year olds. #discipline #toddlertips #logicalconsequences
8 Practical Ways to Practice Peaceful Discipline
Being a peaceful parent comes with its own set of challenges. One of those challneges is discipline. But it doesn't have to trip you up. Here are 8 practical ways to practice peaceful discipline with your kids.
How to Make a Creative Christmas Playdough Kit for Kids (with Printables)
easy homemade playdough is peppermint scented and takes just 5 minutes to make with 6 simple ingredients! It's a perfect homemade Christmas gift or stocking stuffer kids will love!
Powerful Phrases To Comfort An Upset Child
As a parent, it can be tough to see your child cry. That's why we've put together a list of powerful phrases to help soothe your little one when they're upset. From validating their emotions to offering comfort, these phrases will help you connect with your child and create a calmer, more peaceful home environment. #parenting #positiveparenting #toddlerlife #emotionalintelligence #parentingtips #calmingphrases #toddlerbehavior #gentleparenting #momlifev