
91 Pins
How I Had my Shortest Labor Ever, Thanks to This Natural Technique
Want a quick labor and delivery? The signs of labor are sometimes unclear, and so often we want to know how to go into labor with ease for a quick, natural and as little pain as possible labor. These aren’t inducing tricks, but once you’re in labor, here are some tips for the method I used (known as Rebozo Sifting) to have my shortest labor ever with no induction. It helped me work through the contractions and different stages of labor all while even keeping a bit of humor!. #labor #tips
This may contain: a woman laying on top of a green exercise ball in a room with bamboo walls
the BEST position for Labor | Tips from a Physical Therapist
My favorite labor position is… MOVEMENT! Shocker right? Add in a little sway or leg movement to all of these positions and you’ll be amazed at how it helps you get in a more calm headspace between contractions as well as encourage baby into an optimal position and help RELAX the pelvic floor. Don’t forget to change it up every 20-30 minutes!
For the birth biomechanics nerds here (🙋‍♀️), here’s a bit more background into my favorite side-lying pushing position (Side Lying IR/Internal Rotation) that we posted about the other day. ⏪ The pelvis is attached to the leg via soft tissues (muscles, ligaments...) so when we move the leg, we move the pelvis! So learning what movements create what types of space really empowers you as a birth pro to be VERY strategic in what you suggest. No longer do you need to reach into your ‘bag of tri...