h e a r t - b r e a k

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Michael Bliss
No matter what anybody else says, after all this time, after everything that's happened, you STILL mean the world to me. Always will. Je t'aime plus qu'hier et moins que demain. A tout les jours. Personne ne peut changer ce que mon coeur ressent pour toi. PERSONNE. 💗💗💗<x🔥o>💋💋💋
Little Reminders: Part II · Allison Kelley | But What Should I Wear
Little Reminders: Part II · But What Should I Wear
JmStorm on Instagram: “You deserve it. In My Head volumes l and ll are available through Amazon, Barnes&Noble and Book Depository. #jmstorm #jmstormquotes…”
To The Boy Who Couldn't Love Me
They have to love themselves before they can love you.