Room 13

10 Pins
What is your favorite mental maths game for kids?
Playing math games in the classroom is a fantastic way to not only stimulate students, but is also an ideal way of improving students’ number facts and number work. As games can be so beneficial I thought it would be fun to share your favorite fun mental maths games for the classroom. Whether you have maths games for year 6 or mental maths games for year 3, I’d love to hear about them all.
Today's Number Math Template
A lot of times during Morning Meeting or during Math Class, time is spent on number sense and work is done with an activity called
Have You Heard About These Amazing Giveaways? Plus, My Number of the Day Freebie for You!
Across the Hall in 2nd: Have You Heard About These Amazing Giveaways? Plus, My Number of the Day Freebie for You!