Puppy Blog

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Puppies for Sale | Lancaster Puppies
Dog Dental Care: Good dental hygiene is important for the overall health of your dog. If your dog develops problems with its teeth and mouth, those problems can make your dog sick and cause damage to other areas of its body... Read More↓↓ . https://ow.ly/EPKf50Ta0zH . #Blog #LancasterPuppies https://ow.ly/BJsX50Ta0zI
Puppies for Sale | Lancaster Puppies
👀 Looking for a puppy that won't get too big? Look to the toy group and non-sporting group. Many of these dogs retain their round faces, big eyes, and small nose even after they're fully grown. Read more↓↓ . https://ow.ly/lxjB50SW7xK . #Blog #LancasterPuppies https://ow.ly/7wLZ50SW7xJ
Puppies for Sale | Lancaster Puppies
5 Best Farm Dogs: Some dogs are naturally hard-wires to work on the farm. They're called herding dogs, livestock guardian dogs, and scent hounds. Herding dogs, also known as working dogs or stock dogs, control the movement of animals....read more↓↓ . https://ow.ly/HElb50SNtVP . #Blog #LancasterPuppies www.LancasterPuppies.com
Puppies for Sale | Lancaster Puppies
Overheating in Dogs: Summer is a great time to be outside. From swimming and hiking to lounging outdoors in the sun, these are endless activities to do the summertime. With the opportunities to get outside and enjoy to outdoors with your dog, it's important to keep your pup comfortable and safe in the heat. . https://ow.ly/8zET50Sz6Hy . #LancasterPuppies https://ow.ly/V97u50Sz6Hz
Puppies for Sale | Lancaster Puppies
House training a puppy takes a positive reinforcement, time, and patience, but this is complicated when you have a full time job. Making working adults are in the office at least 35 hours a weeks, but an 8 week old puppy should be taken outside every hour. What's a pet parent to do? Read more↓↓ . https://ow.ly/6zjK50SuPrv . #Blog #LancasterPuppies https://ow.ly/PyTE50SuPrw
Puppies for Sale | Lancaster Puppies
How to Keep Your Dogs Off the Furniture: Some dog owners prefer their dogs to stay off the couch whereas other people buy furniture they know will withstand the wear and tear a dog will inflict with their nails, teeth, and fur. Some people are concerned it will aggravate their alergies...Read More↓↓ . https://ow.ly/x59Q50SkYic . #Blog #LancasterPuppies https://ow.ly/vx4k50SkYib
Puppies for Sale | Lancaster Puppies
Chihuahuas: Lapdogs with Big Personalities Tiny but mighty, the Chihuahua is a popular breed with a long history and bold personality. This breed is a perfect fit for apartment and city living due to it moderate energy level and small stature. . https://ow.ly/1iIp50SjasB . #Blog #LancasterPuppies www.LancasterPuppies.com
Puppies for Sale | Lancaster Puppies
Dog-Friendly Beaches on the East Coast: The beach is a classic summer destination that's even better with your dog by your side! While not all beaches are dog-beaches are dog-friendly, our list below covers East Coast beaches where dogs are allowed year-round. To avoid overheating, mornings and evenings....Read More↓↓ . https://ow.ly/9Jyh50Sh445 . #LancasterPuppies https://ow.ly/97nv50Sh444
Puppies for Sale | Lancaster Puppies
Whether you're a seasoned breeder or just starting out, understanding the nuances of weaning is crucial for the health and well being of your puppies. Read on to learn more about the process of weaning puppies.....↓↓ . https://ow.ly/fmpB50RKfSL . #LancasterPuppies https://ow.ly/GWIK50RKfSN
Puppies for Sale | Lancaster Puppies
Summer is quickly approaching, and with it the excitement of barbecues, family gatherings, and vacations. For dog owners. however, traveling with your dog can be stressful. If you are planning a getaway that requires flying, dog owners are left with the decision....Read more↓↓ . https://ow.ly/jZgt50RzKzB . #LancasterPuppies https://ow.ly/w40J50RzKzA
Puppies for Sale | Lancaster Puppies
How to Identify Puppies in Your Litter: Once your dam gives birth t her litter, you need to identify and name every puppy in the litter to keep track of vaccinations, monitor their development, and make listings online. As a responsible dog breeder, you should be weighing you pups....Read More↓↓ . https://ow.ly/rIRO50Rln1x . #Blog #LancasterPuppies https://ow.ly/Th3Y50Rln1w
Puppies for Sale | Lancaster Puppies
🐾 Breed Spotlight: Cavapoo 🐾 Bred to be a hypoallergenic companion dog, the Cavapoo is perfectly suited for families. With their rounded faces, large, eyes, wide brows, and long ears hanging below the chin, Cavapoos are also categorized as crossbreed (hybrid) dogs. . https://ow.ly/xCZB50RhgXu . #Blog #LancasterPuppies https://ow.ly/qbok50RhgXv
Puppies for Sale | Lancaster Puppies
Our pets have important places in our lives. Many owners feel their pets are their best friends and part of their families. While a dog's life expectancy heavily depends on its health, some dog breeds are known to have longer lifespans than others. Read more↓↓ . https://ow.ly/btS050RbFTn . #Blog #LancasterPuppies https://ow.ly/snQK50RbFTm
Puppies for Sale | Lancaster Puppies
🐾 Breed Spotlight: Beagle 🐾 Charming in appearance and personality, the Beagle has been a popular dog among families and hunters for centuries. This breed's high energy and keen sense of smell made it the perfect hound for tracking rabbits in England. Beagles continued to grow in fame after they arrived in America, appearing in various... Read more↓↓ . https://ow.ly/UlV650R4ptq . #LancasterPuppies https://ow.ly/goFf50R4pts
Puppies for Sale | Lancaster Puppies
Stud dog pricing can be difficult to determine. Factors like your dog's breed, dog group, show ranking, and competition success all play into deciding how much you should charge. There's also the option of getting the first pick of the litter. So what should you choose?...read more↓↓ . https://ow.ly/mP9N50R3oXx . #LancasterPuppies https://ow.ly/EJgs50R3oXy