Papers by Edwin Rodriguez
The Florida Entomologist, 1991
Page 1. 358 Florida Entomologist 74(2) June, 1991 TIGHTNESS OF THE PERIANTH OF COCOCUTS IN RELATI... more Page 1. 358 Florida Entomologist 74(2) June, 1991 TIGHTNESS OF THE PERIANTH OF COCOCUTS IN RELATION TO INFESTATION BY COCONUT MITES FW HOWARD Fort Lauderdale Research & Education Center University ...
SPE Heavy Oil Conference-Canada, 2013
Heart & Lung, 2004
A 60 year-old man born in Central America died suddenly in the hallway of his residence on the gr... more A 60 year-old man born in Central America died suddenly in the hallway of his residence on the grounds of a resort hotel where he worked as a dishwasher. The dishwashing station was in a large, poorly ventilated area where a substantial number of food service workers (cooks, wait staff, bus persons, dishwashers, supervisors, etc.) shared air space with the index patient. Several social contacts of the patient reported that he had been coughing for many months before his death. The County Department Of Health conducted a contact investigation, which identified 171 individuals in need of follow-up. Thirty-six percent of those tested in the first round were tuberculin skin test-positive; a second round of testing yielded a 15% (8 of 52) conversion rate.
PLOS Medicine, 2006
We analyzed the temporal changes in global transcript levels in response to hypoxia in primary re... more We analyzed the temporal changes in global transcript levels in response to hypoxia in primary renal proximal tubule epithelial cells, breast epithelial cells, smooth muscle cells, and endothelial cells with DNA microarrays. The extent of the transcriptional response to hypoxia was greatest in the renal tubule cells. This heightened response was associated with a uniquely high level of HIF-1a RNA in renal cells, and it could be diminished by reducing HIF-1a expression via RNA interference. A gene-expression signature of the hypoxia response, derived from our studies of cultured mammary and renal tubular epithelial cells, showed coordinated variation in several human cancers, and was a strong predictor of clinical outcomes in breast and ovarian cancers. In an analysis of a large, published gene-expression dataset from breast cancers, we found that the prognostic information in the hypoxia signature was virtually independent of that provided by the previously reported wound signature and more predictive of outcomes than any of the clinical parameters in current use.
PLOS Genetics, 2007
Smooth muscle is present in a wide variety of anatomical locations, such as blood vessels, variou... more Smooth muscle is present in a wide variety of anatomical locations, such as blood vessels, various visceral organs, and hair follicles. Contraction of smooth muscle is central to functions as diverse as peristalsis, urination, respiration, and the maintenance of vascular tone. Despite the varied physiological roles of smooth muscle cells (SMCs), we possess only a limited knowledge of the heterogeneity underlying their functional and anatomic specializations. As a step toward understanding the intrinsic differences between SMCs from different anatomical locations, we used DNA microarrays to profile global gene expression patterns in 36 SMC samples from various tissues after propagation under defined conditions in cell culture. Significant variations were found between the cells isolated from blood vessels, bronchi, and visceral organs. Furthermore, pervasive differences were noted within the visceral organ subgroups that appear to reflect the distinct molecular pathways essential for organogenesis as well as those involved in organspecific contractile and physiological properties. Finally, we sought to understand how this diversity may contribute to SMC-involving pathology. We found that a gene expression signature of the responses of vascular SMCs to serum exposure is associated with a significantly poorer prognosis in human cancers, potentially linking vascular injury response to tumor progression. Citation: Chi JT, Rodriguez EH, Wang Z, Nuyten DSA, Mukherjee S, et al. (2007) Gene expression programs of human smooth muscle cells: tissue-specific differentiation and prognostic significance in human breast cancers. PLoS Genet 3(9): e164.
Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 2006
No abstract is available. To read the body of this article, please view the Full Text online. ...... more No abstract is available. To read the body of this article, please view the Full Text online. ... © 2006 American College of Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. ... Visit SciVerse ScienceDirect to see if you have access via your institution. ... Advertisements on this site ...
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 2013
An important component of the New York State Refugee Health Program&a... more An important component of the New York State Refugee Health Program's (NYSRHP) mission is to ensure refugees with identified medial conditions are referred to primary and specialty care. A programmatic evaluation was conducted to assess the completion rate for primary care referral appointments made during the initial domestic health assessment among refugees in NYS (exclusive of New York City). Upon arrival in NYS, refugees may receive a domestic health assessment by one of NYSRHP contracted providers. As part of the assessment, referrals for primary and specialty care may be assigned. From July 2010 to June 2011, 69 % of NYS-bound refugees that received a primary care referral by a NYSRHP contracted provider completed their appointment.
CHEST Journal, 2005
CHEST Journal, 2006
Page 1. (83.7% vs. 85.7%; p0.69). Among clinical characteristics, cavitary lesion was most predic... more Page 1. (83.7% vs. 85.7%; p0.69). Among clinical characteristics, cavitary lesion was most predictive of positive AFB smears (p0.11). The specificity of the AFB smear in 272 culture-negative patients was 98.5%, using 2 or 3 samples. ...
Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery, 2002
To compare cartilage matrix temperatures between monopolar radiofrequency energy (mRFE) and bipol... more To compare cartilage matrix temperatures between monopolar radiofrequency energy (mRFE) and bipolar RFE (bRFE) at 3 depths under the articular surface during thermal chondroplasty. We hypothesized that cartilage temperatures would be higher at all cartilage depths for the bRFE device than for the mRFE device. Type of Study: Randomized trial using bovine cartilage. Methods: Sixty osteochondral sections from the femoropatellar joint of 15 adult cattle were used for this study. Using a custom jig, fluoroptic thermometry probes were placed at one of the following depths under the articular surface: 200 m, 500 m, or 2,000 m. RF treatment was performed either with fluid flow (F) (120 mL/min) or without fluid flow (NF) (n ϭ 5/depth/RFE device/flow; total specimens, 60). Irrigation fluid temperature was room temperature (22°C). Thermometry data were acquired at 4 Hz for 5 seconds with the RF probe off, for 20 seconds with the RF probe on, and then for 15 seconds with the RF probe off. During RF treatment, a 0.79-cm 2 area (1.0-cm diameter) of the articular surface centered over the thermometry probe was treated in a paintbrush manner in noncontact (bRFE) or light contact (mRFE). Results: Thermal chondroplasty with bRFE resulted in higher cartilage matrix temperatures compared with mRFE for all depths and regardless of fluid flow. Bipolar RFE resulted in temperatures of 95°C to 100°C at 200 m and 500 m under the surface, with temperatures of 75°C to 78°C at 2,000 m. Fluid flow during bRFE application had no effect at 200 m. Monopolar RFE resulted in temperatures of 61°C to 68°C at 200 m, 54°C to 70°C at 500 m under the surface, and 28°C to 30°C at 2,000 m below the surface. A significant effect of fluid flow during mRFE application occurred at 200 m (NF, 61°C; F, 63°C) and 500 m (NF, 53°C; F, 68°C). Conclusions: In this study, we found significant differences between bRFE and a temperature-controlled mRFE device with regard to depth of thermal heating of cartilage in vitro. Bipolar RFE resulted in matrix temperatures high enough (Ͼ70°C) to kill cells as deep as 2,000 m under the articular surface. Fluid flow during thermal chondroplasty had the effect of significantly increasing cartilage matrix temperatures at 200 and 500 m with the mRFE device. During thermal chondroplasty, bRFE creates greater matrix temperature elevations at equivalent depths and treatment duration than does mRFE. Excessive temperatures generated deep within the cartilage matrix could cause full-thickness chondrocyte death, in vivo.
Dimensión Empresarial, 2014
El presente artículo, presenta los resultados del proyecto de investigación financiado por el Fon... more El presente artículo, presenta los resultados del proyecto de investigación financiado por el Fondo Patrimonial Para la Investigación de la Universidad del Magdalena - FONCIENCIAS, cuyo título se refiere a la “Formulación de la cadena logística de residuos sólidos de la industria de tajadas de plátano para la exportación en el departamento del Magdalena”. Para esto, se planteó metodológicamente el procedimiento general de diagnóstico de la cadena logística, basado en los modelos para la gestión de la cadena de suministros propuestos por Scout y Westbrook (1998), Mentzer (2001) y el modelo normativo para la gestión de Ballou (1991). Facilitando la generación de una nueva estrategia de negocios, económica y ambientalmente más adecuada que permita la maximización de beneficios y mejora de la calidad de vida de los actores de la cadena. Por último, para el alcance de este propósito, se procede a realizar una caracterización, análisis y evaluación detallada de los agentes que constituyen e influyen en la cadena logística en mención.
Historia Crítica No.40, 2013
Íconos - Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 2013
Revista Finanzas y Política Económica, 2014
Historia Crítica No.40, 2011
Nómadas. Revista Crítica de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas, 2013
Nómadas. Revista Crítica de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas, 2013
Cr ru uz z R Ro od dr rí íg gu ue ez z 1 Universidad Nacional de Colombia 5... more Cr ru uz z R Ro od dr rí íg gu ue ez z 1 Universidad Nacional de Colombia 5209/rev_NOMA.2012.v35.n3.42199 Resumen.-Este trabajo plantea una perspectiva de análisis de la nación como resultado de una lucha hegemónica entre sujetos concretos que abanderan proyectos de nación diversos y antagónicos. En primer lugar analiza las principales formas como se ha argumentado la categoría de nación señalando los límites que presentan para la comprensión del fenómeno y, en segundo lugar, reconstruye la perspectiva de análisis de la nación como lucha hegemónica. Más que una esencia trascendente o un conjunto de rasgos tangibles, la nación es una construcción histórica y artificial resultado de relaciones de poder específicas. En consecuencia, el análisis debe centrase en la lucha entre proyectos de nación, encarnados por sujetos concretos, en pugna por dotarla de significado y constituirse en hegemónicos.
Papers by Edwin Rodriguez