Papers by Carlos Alberto Durigan Junior

19th CONTECSI International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management, Feb 28, 2023
Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) can be defined as a virtual currency based on node network a... more Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) can be defined as a virtual currency based on node network and digital encryption algorithm issued by a country which has a legal credit protection. CBDCs are supported by Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs), and they may allow a universal means of payments for the digital era. There are many ways to proceed, they all require central banks to develop technological expertise. Considering these points, it is important to understand the new IT governance in the financial markets due to CBDC and digital economy. Information Technology is an essential driver that will allow the new financial industry design. This paper has the objective to answer two questions through an updated Systematic Literature Review (SLR). The first question is What IT resources and tools have been considered or applied to set the governance of CBDC adoption? The second; Identify IT governance models in the financial market due to CBDC adoption. Bank for International Settlements (BIS) publications, Scopus and Web of Science were considered as sources of studies. After the strings and including criteria were applied, fourteen papers were analyzed. This paper finds many IT resources used in the CBDC adoption and some preliminary IT design related to the IT governance of CBDC, in the results and discussion section the findings are more detailed. Finally, limitations and future work are considered.

19th CONTECSI International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management
Cryptocurrency can be understood as a digital asset transacted among participants in the crypto e... more Cryptocurrency can be understood as a digital asset transacted among participants in the crypto economy. Every cryptocurrency must have an associated Blockchain. Blockchain is a Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) which supports cryptocurrencies, this may be considered as the most promising disruptive technology in the industry 4.0 context. Decentralized finance (DeFi) is a Blockchain-based financial infrastructure, the term generally refers to an open, permissionless, and highly interoperable protocol stack built on public smart contract platforms, such as the Ethereum Blockchain. It replicates existing financial services in a more open and transparent way. DeFi does not rely on intermediaries and centralized institutions. Instead, it is based on open protocols and decentralized applications (Dapps). Considering that there are many digital coins, stablecoins and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), these currencies should interact among each other sometime. For this interaction the Information Technology elements play an important whole as enablers and IT strategic alignment. This paper considers the strategic alignment model proposed by Henderson and Venkatraman (1993) and Luftman (1996). This paper seeks to answer two main questions 1) What are the common IT elements in the DeFi? And 2) How the elements connect to the IT strategic alignment in DeFi? Through a Systematic Literature Review (SLR). Results point out that there are many IT elements already mentioned by literature, however there is a lack in the literature about the connection between IT elements and IT strategic alignment in a Decentralized Finance (DeFi) architectural network. After final considerations, limitations and future research agenda are presented.
CONTECSI International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management
this paper expects to point out through literature review some IT enabling factors that allow the... more this paper expects to point out through literature review some IT enabling factors that allow the conception of a new industry design (or governance) specifically in the financial industry illustrated by the cases of the Open Banking and Digital Economy Encourages literature on the field. This paper is structured mostly on literature review, accompanied by results, discussions, and finally, conclusions are presented. It was found five potential enabling factors. The fourth industrial revolution promotes the integration of Information Technology (IT) and strategic resources. New IT demands and uses have been leading to changes in business processes and corporate governance. Better understanding of the IT enabling factors in the cashless economy.

Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) can be defined as a virtual currency based on
node network a... more Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) can be defined as a virtual currency based on
node network and digital encryption algorithm issued by a country which has a legal credit
protection. CBDCs are supported by Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs), and they may
allow a universal means of payments for the digital era. There are many ways to proceed, they
all require central banks to develop technological expertise. Considering these points, it is
important to understand the new IT governance in the financial markets due to CBDC and
digital economy. Information Technology is an essential driver that will allow the new financial
industry design. This paper has the objective to answer two questions through an updated
Systematic Literature Review (SLR). The first question is What IT resources and tools have
been considered or applied to set the governance of CBDC adoption? The second; Identify IT
governance models in the financial market due to CBDC adoption. Bank for International
Settlements (BIS) publications, Scopus and Web of Science were considered as sources of
studies. After the strings and including criteria were applied, fourteen papers were analyzed.
This paper finds many IT resources used in the CBDC adoption and some preliminary IT design
related to the IT governance of CBDC, in the results and discussion section the findings are
more detailed. Finally, limitations and future work are considered.
Keywords: Blockchain, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), Digital Economy, Distributed
Ledger Technology (DLT), Information Technology (IT), IT governance.

Cryptocurrency can be understood as a digital asset transacted among participants in the crypto e... more Cryptocurrency can be understood as a digital asset transacted among participants in the crypto economy. Every cryptocurrency must have an associated Blockchain. Blockchain is a Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) which supports cryptocurrencies, this may be considered as the most promising disruptive technology in the industry 4.0 context. Decentralized finance (DeFi) is a Blockchain-based financial infrastructure, the term generally refers to an open, permissionless, and highly interoperable protocol stack built on public smart contract platforms, such as the Ethereum Blockchain. It replicates existing financial services in a more open and transparent way. DeFi does not rely on intermediaries and centralized institutions. Instead, it is based on open protocols and decentralized applications (Dapps). Considering that there are many digital coins, stablecoins and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), these currencies should interact among each other sometime. For this interaction the Information Technology elements play an important whole as enablers and IT strategic alignment. This paper considers the strategic alignment model proposed by Henderson and Venkatraman (1993) and Luftman (1996). This paper seeks to answer two main questions 1) What are the common IT elements in the DeFi? And 2) How the elements connect to the IT strategic alignment in DeFi? Through a Systematic Literature Review (SLR). Results point out that there are many IT elements already mentioned by literature, however there is a lack in the literature about the connection between IT elements and IT strategic alignment in a Decentralized Finance (DeFi) architectural network. After final considerations, limitations and future research agenda are presented.
Conceptual data modelling languages are a common approach to represent ontologies visually. This ... more Conceptual data modelling languages are a common approach to represent ontologies visually. This paper introduces a framework aiming at enabling modelling tools to represent, manipulate and reason over OWL ontologies represented in different visual languages, such as UML, EER or ORM 2, based on a previously developed theoretical metamodel. We describe the framework and define a methodology to exploit it, in order to make visual independence a reality. Finally, we present case studies on realistic ontologies to show the applicability of our approach.
1Grupo de Investigación en Lenguajes e Inteligencia Artificial Departamento de Teorı́a de la Comp... more 1Grupo de Investigación en Lenguajes e Inteligencia Artificial Departamento de Teorı́a de la Computación Facultad de Informática UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL COMAHUE 2Laboratorio de I&D en Ingenierı́a de Software y Sistemas de Información Departamento de Ciencias e Ingenierı́a de la Computación UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL SUR 3Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientı́ficas y Técnicas (CONICET) 4Comisión de Investigaciones Cientı́ficas de la provincia de Buenos Aires (CIC)
1Grupo de Investigación en Lenguajes e Inteligencia Artificial Departamento de Teoŕıa de la Compu... more 1Grupo de Investigación en Lenguajes e Inteligencia Artificial Departamento de Teoŕıa de la Computación Facultad de Informática Universidad Nacional del Comahue 2Laboratorio de I&D en Ingenieŕıa de Software y Sistemas de Información Departamento de Ciencias e Ingenieŕıa de la Computación Universidad Nacional del Sur 3Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient́ıficas y Técnicas (CONICET) 4Comisión de Investigaciones Cient́ıficas de la provincia de Buenos Aires (CIC)
1Grupo de Investigación en Lenguajes e Inteligencia Artificial Departamento de Teorı́a de la Comp... more 1Grupo de Investigación en Lenguajes e Inteligencia Artificial Departamento de Teorı́a de la Computación Facultad de Informática UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL COMAHUE 2Laboratorio de I&D en Ingenierı́a de Software y Sistemas de Información Departamento de Ciencias e Ingenierı́a de la Computación UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL SUR 3Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientı́ficas y Técnicas (CONICET) 4Comisión de Investigaciones Cientı́ficas de la provincia de Buenos Aires (CIC)

It is well-known that automated reasoning provides important support for tools in ontology engine... more It is well-known that automated reasoning provides important support for tools in ontology engineering, particularly, revealing errors and unexpected (non-) entailments in models. This has been possible thanks to the standardisation of ontology languages and the subsequent development of tools and infrastructure to manipulate ontologies in such languages. However, in spite of the fact that nowadays reasoning systems are integrated into a huge range of these tools, their use for enhancing automated tasks in ontology engineering processes has not been fully explored in depth, particularly in closing the gap between graphical and formal representations of ontologies. In this work we detail two scenarios in which it is possible to take advantages of automated reasoning in this sense. The first scenario deals with the problem of tool interoperability, and the second analyses how to obtain non-trivial graphical inferences.
Grupo de Investigación en Lenguajes e Inteligencia Artificial Departamento de Teoría de la Comput... more Grupo de Investigación en Lenguajes e Inteligencia Artificial Departamento de Teoría de la Computación Facultad de Informática UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL COMAHUE Laboratorio de I&D en Ingeniería de Software y Sistemas de Información Departamento de Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Computación UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DEL SUR Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la provincia de Buenos Aires (CIC)
Visualisation of models by means of graphical representations plays a critical role in ontology d... more Visualisation of models by means of graphical representations plays a critical role in ontology development and maintenance. Tools are essential in understanding models and generating explicit, better usable and communicable knowledge. In this respect, we introduce a knowledge visualisation process for the integration of visual representations, logic-based reasoning and metamodelling for interoperability of languages. The intention behind this work is to offer a trade-off between these dimensions in the context of a semantics-aware tool. We provide means to stimulate interest in such tools for designing both conceptual models and ontologies based on the effectiveness of graphical modelling languages for expressing them.
En este trabajo se presentan las líneas de investigacion desarrolladas en el Proyecto de Investig... more En este trabajo se presentan las líneas de investigacion desarrolladas en el Proyecto de Investigacion Agentes Inteligentes y Web Semantica, de la Facultad de Informatica, UNCo. En el proyecto, se estudian tecnicas de representacion de conocimiento y razona miento, metodologías de modelado conceptual y mecanismos para la interoperabilidad de aplicaciones, tanto a nivel de procesos como de datos, para entre otros, dar soporte a comunida des de desarrollo de ontologías. En este sentido, se ha desarrollado una herra mientas Web denominada crowd que da soporte a la ingeniería ontologica asistida con razona miento automatico y que esta siendo extendida con nuevas funcionalidades estudiadas en las diferentes líneas de investigacion.

Resumen La enseñanza de las Ciencias de la Computación en el ámbito de la educación obligatoria h... more Resumen La enseñanza de las Ciencias de la Computación en el ámbito de la educación obligatoria ha logrado altos niveles de consenso en los últimos años. En Argentina convergen varias iniciativas promovidas por las Universidades, y el Programa Nacional Conectar Igualdad que buscan mejorar la aproximación de las Ciencias de la Computación a la escuela secundaria. La incorporación de forma sostenible y rigurosa de la enseñanza de las Ciencias de la Computación en la educación secundaria es aún un proceso en desarrollo en la mayoría de los países. En este trabajo se presenta una Línea de Investigación que busca avanzar en la definición de modelos y enfoques metodológicos que impacten positivamente en los procesos de aproximación de las Ciencias de la Computación a la escuela secundaria. Se presta especial atención a la innovación a partir de la integración de recursos didáctico disciplinares como robótica educativa y programación tangible.
El objetivo general de este Proyecto de Investigación es el estudio y desarrollo de técnicas de I... more El objetivo general de este Proyecto de Investigación es el estudio y desarrollo de técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial para dotar de inteligencia y conocimiento a agentes inmersos en mundos virtuales, interactivos y dinámicos. Elénfasis es puesto tanto en formalismos de planificación y razonamiento rebatible para la creación y control de agentes inteligentes, como en el impacto que tienen las tecnologías del lenguaje humano (TLH) en la inclusión social. En estos escenarios, el razonamiento, la toma de decisiones, la planificación de acciones y el aprendizaje ocurren bajo restricciones de tiempo críticas y en intensa interacción con el usuario.

Resumen El éxito de una partida en un juego de estrategia en tiempo real (RTS) depende de la capa... more Resumen El éxito de una partida en un juego de estrategia en tiempo real (RTS) depende de la capacidad de cooperación y reacción en forma adaptativa, ante los movimientos del oponente, por parte del jugador. En muchos videojuegos, esto se logra a través del uso de las llamadas formaciones de "unidades". El propósito de este trabajo es presentar el diseño de un micromanagement de las formaciones de grupo de agentes que se desenvuelven en un ambiente dinámico y que permite adaptar en forma "online" su comportamiento. La toma de decisión del agente propuesto que decide la táctica del juego, se realiza a partir de un árbol de decisión, codificado en XML, que es generado por la herramienta Weka, lo que permite automatizar el proceso de generación del árbol de decisión a partir de una base de datos. Asimismo, se presenta el diseño e implementación de un traductor que a partir del árbol de decisión en formato XML genera reglas simples IF-THEN. Los cambios "online" que se producen en el comportamiento de las formaciones, se reflejan en el juego utilizando la técnica scripting. Dicho micromanagement fue implementado, a partir de una arquitectura propuesta de videojuegos RTS, sobre la plataforma de StarCraft: Brood War.
Sistemas Argumentativos -Razonamiento Rebatible -Programación en Lógica -Semántica basada en Jueg... more Sistemas Argumentativos -Razonamiento Rebatible -Programación en Lógica -Semántica basada en Juegos Resumen En los últimos años, las teorías de juegos y de diálogos para la argumentación han recibido gran interés en varios campos de la Inteligencia Artificial, por sus aplicaciones en los sistemas multiagentes y en los sistemas legales, entre otras.
Papers by Carlos Alberto Durigan Junior
node network and digital encryption algorithm issued by a country which has a legal credit
protection. CBDCs are supported by Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs), and they may
allow a universal means of payments for the digital era. There are many ways to proceed, they
all require central banks to develop technological expertise. Considering these points, it is
important to understand the new IT governance in the financial markets due to CBDC and
digital economy. Information Technology is an essential driver that will allow the new financial
industry design. This paper has the objective to answer two questions through an updated
Systematic Literature Review (SLR). The first question is What IT resources and tools have
been considered or applied to set the governance of CBDC adoption? The second; Identify IT
governance models in the financial market due to CBDC adoption. Bank for International
Settlements (BIS) publications, Scopus and Web of Science were considered as sources of
studies. After the strings and including criteria were applied, fourteen papers were analyzed.
This paper finds many IT resources used in the CBDC adoption and some preliminary IT design
related to the IT governance of CBDC, in the results and discussion section the findings are
more detailed. Finally, limitations and future work are considered.
Keywords: Blockchain, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), Digital Economy, Distributed
Ledger Technology (DLT), Information Technology (IT), IT governance.
node network and digital encryption algorithm issued by a country which has a legal credit
protection. CBDCs are supported by Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs), and they may
allow a universal means of payments for the digital era. There are many ways to proceed, they
all require central banks to develop technological expertise. Considering these points, it is
important to understand the new IT governance in the financial markets due to CBDC and
digital economy. Information Technology is an essential driver that will allow the new financial
industry design. This paper has the objective to answer two questions through an updated
Systematic Literature Review (SLR). The first question is What IT resources and tools have
been considered or applied to set the governance of CBDC adoption? The second; Identify IT
governance models in the financial market due to CBDC adoption. Bank for International
Settlements (BIS) publications, Scopus and Web of Science were considered as sources of
studies. After the strings and including criteria were applied, fourteen papers were analyzed.
This paper finds many IT resources used in the CBDC adoption and some preliminary IT design
related to the IT governance of CBDC, in the results and discussion section the findings are
more detailed. Finally, limitations and future work are considered.
Keywords: Blockchain, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), Digital Economy, Distributed
Ledger Technology (DLT), Information Technology (IT), IT governance.