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Ashley Hockenberry | all galleries >> Galleries >> Birds of North America I > Tree Swallow
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Tree Swallow

McKenzie Marsh
Aurora, Ontario

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Fletcher Wildlife Garden05-May-2015 19:37
Exceptional! V
SLC_Images03-May-2015 04:46
Outstanding clarity and capture! VT!
Guest 01-May-2015 17:19
Nicely done. Best J
Missed Opportunities01-May-2015 14:22
He posed for you Ashley - - nice image
Pieter Bos01-May-2015 14:00
Great shot! ~V
Dwight Rankine01-May-2015 12:26
Beautiful! V
Gerard Koehl01-May-2015 06:50
Perfect. V
Pierre30-Apr-2015 22:41
Un portrait formidable, une image impeccable! V
Wintermeer30-Apr-2015 22:18
Perfect- I like the colours, the bokeh and the details are simply gorgeous! ~V~
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