Showing posts with label canna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label canna. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Canna Get a Witness?....

Thought I'd check in and show you the 
Canna bloom.

Here's one.

Here's the other.

On the same plant.

Now, that's cool.

The bloom stalk was a bit weak, so it looks a little ragged.  Hope the next one does better.

Rain missed us....again.  Let's hope we get some soon.

Happy Gardening...

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Foliage Follow-Up...June 2012...

June 16.

The day after Bloomday, we join 
Foliage Follow-Up.

This month, we have the usual suspects, here at
Patchwork Garden.

The front Island Bed is coming along.
The Yucca Rostrata, Mexican Feathergrass and Lantana are doing good.

Artemisia 'Powis Castle' is a reliable foliage plant that adds an airy look, beside the structured plants.

Moving around to the side of the house, Dusty Miller in containers add another silver, airy touch.

The Inland Sea Oats are filling in, in a shady corner beside the garage.

Inside the Fenced Yard, Liriope is a good old stand-by.

Lamb's Ear and Purple heart make a good combination.

The striped leaves on this Canna, give the garden interest, 
even when there are none of those great blooms.

On the deck step, a pot of deer resistant Blue Fescue grass is working.

The old firepit-turned-planter holds an Agave lophantha.  It's growing and putting out pups.
I'll soon need to cut out the pups, and move them somewhere else.

Inside the Veggie Garden, the grapevine we got on the Wine Trail last year, is looking healthy, 
and growing up the fence.

Outside that fence, the Prickly Pear I moved from the shade of the Deer Grove,
is loving the extra sunshine.
And, the Mexican Feathergrass here is taking off.  And...there are lots of little baby
Feathergrasses, too.  I'll be moving them all around the place.

This Agave I rescued from our neighbor Elli's redo last year,
is beginning to grow.  Another one is not doing as well.  
But, the deer have left them alone...for now.

Lastly, I don't know what is happening to this new Yucca.
It hasn't been watered too much...and, I hope not too little.  But, it's not looking so good.

It's supposed to look like this.  
Any ideas? us your foliage.
Hop over to Pam's, and see some great plants.

Have a Great Weekend...

Monday, July 11, 2011

Orange You the Same?...

Are you tired of hearing about my cannas?  I posted a while back, about the one above.

There were two plants in the pot, when we bought these.  I love when that happens.....

Both have the gorgeous striped leaves. 

Well....the second plant bloomed.  It looks a bit different.

Still a pretty bloom.  But, more orange than red, to me.

A mottled orange and yellow.

So, I wonder....will the other plant, with the color block blooms, end up being like this?

Gardening is sometimes like that box of chocolates.  You just never know what you're going to get.

Happy Gardening....

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Hold it...I Think You're Going to Like This Picture....

If you saw my Foliage Follow-Up post, you saw the above Canna bloom.

I wondered if that paintbrush orange, on half of this petal was some abnormal thing.

It took a few days for another bloom to start opening.

But look!  It's not abnormal.  This looks like it's going to be quite normal.

I have no idea what the name of this canna is.

We got it at a Flower Farm, over toward Blanco.  It was simply marked 'Red Canna'.

The real selling point to me, was this stripped leaf.

Another paintbrush technique on this plant.

Even without the blooms, this is a great plant.

I think I'm going to like this one.

Happy Gardening...