Drafts by Mira M Khoirunisa

Witnessing Indonesian teenage females using swear words in daily conversation is considered norma... more Witnessing Indonesian teenage females using swear words in daily conversation is considered normal these days, even though Indonesian culture generally views these words as taboo and impolite. Thus, this study aims to reveal the reason why Indonesian teenage females use swear words in daily conversation, also to find their most-used swear words as well as the interlocutors every time they swear. This research was conducted on 10 female students of Universitas Negeri Surabaya to investigate their swearing practice. Data collected through a questionnaire-specifically a close questionnaire-found that goblok, anjing, jancok, taek, and bangsat came out as the most-used swear words by Indonesian teenage females. The study found the main reason why Indonesian teenage students utter swear words was to joke around friends and to express negative emotions such as anger and pain. This finding also revealed that most of the Indonesian teenage female use swear words only to their female friends. They never utter swear words to male friends only, family, and strangers. Friends hold the most important influence on the process of knowing to swear words by Indonesian teenage females for the first time, followed by movies and social media. The study also found that Indonesian teenage females usually practice swearing every day. Besides use swear words every day, some of them answered use swear words every time they speak-which the frequency of swearing practice is more intense than utter swear words daily. The zero number of participants who answered never use swear words proves that Indonesian teenage females really aware of the existence of swear words and use it in almost everyday conversations.

Research on the song Champagne Problems by American singer and song writer, Taylor swift, aims to... more Research on the song Champagne Problems by American singer and song writer, Taylor swift, aims to reveal the social criticism contained in the song Champagne Problems through a sociological literary approach. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method, with technical content analysis, namely to reveal and then describe the extrinsic elements, what and how the social criticism contained in the song. The focus of this research is social criticism contained in the song Champagne Problems by Taylor Swift which includes: first, social criticism of the nature of society who always wants to know about other people's problems. Second, social criticism of the nature of society in responding to the failure of a marriage. The analysis technique carried out by the researcher is reading and understanding song lyrics, analyzing social criticism, then interpreting the data according to the research focus indicators and the facts (events) that are behind the found social criticism. Based on the results of the research, it shows that the song Champagne Problems by Taylor Swift contains social criticism that is raised through the lyrics and narrative.
Papers by Mira M Khoirunisa

Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai, 2022
The practice of violence, especially toward women, still exists, as could be revealed through the... more The practice of violence, especially toward women, still exists, as could be revealed through the Maid series. This study discussed the violence reflected in the series, which through its kinds of violence is clarified in detail. Slabert and Green conducted research on domestic violence experienced by women and explain the idea of intimate partner violence in four forms: physical abuse, psychological abuse, sexual abuse, and economic abuse. Further research in IPV strengthens the concept for further studies. Having a literature review as the research methodology applied, the data was taken from all the dialogues between the characters. Several facts were found from the series that there were three forms of violence received by the couple, namely: physical violence that was seen in the bruises after Danielle's husband strangled her, and Paula, Alex's mother, had bruises and a bleeding nose when Alex was a child; psychological abuse experienced by female characters because their partners often commit violence against them; and economic violence is carried out in the form of controlling almost all activities that lead to economic business, such as income, expenses, banking information, debt, and loans.
Drafts by Mira M Khoirunisa
Papers by Mira M Khoirunisa