Papers by Włodek Gruszczyński
Poradnik Językowy, 2020
Electronic Corpus of 17th- and 18th-century Polish Texts – theoretical and workshop problems Summ... more Electronic Corpus of 17th- and 18th-century Polish Texts – theoretical and workshop problems Summary This paper presents the Electronic Corpus of 17th- and 18th-century Polish Texts (KorBa) – a large (13.5-million), annotated historical corpus available online. Its creation was modelled on the assumptions of the National Corpus of Polish (NKJP), yet the specifi c nature of the historical material enforced certain modifi cations of the solutions applied in NKJP, e.g. two forms of text representation (transliteration and transcription) were introduced, the principle of designating foreign-language fragments was adopted, and the tagset was adapted to the description of the grammatical structure of the Middle Polish language. The texts collected in KorBa are diversified in chronological, geographical, stylistic, and thematic terms although, due to e.g. limited access to the material, the postulate of representativeness and sustainability of the corpus was not fully implemented. The work...
The dictionary provides a comprehensive grammatical description of Polish words. It covers about ... more The dictionary provides a comprehensive grammatical description of Polish words. It covers about 180,000 lexical items (lexemes). The dictionary has been compiled in an electronic form and made accessible via a computer program. All lexemes are morphologically and syntactically characterized by a set of features, which display on the monitor. Additionally, some regular derivatives are presented in entries. The inflectional description strives for completeness, while the derivation and syntax are described as far as a clear formalized approach was feasible. Non-inflected lexemes are provided with their part-of-speech feature and the valence information is added where instructive (case government for prepositions, type of conjoined phrase for conjunctions). The compact disc containing the program is accompanied by a printed introduction, facilitating its use and presenting the authors' theoretical principles. The dictionary may serve as a source of research in the domain of inflec...
ABSTRACT This review of Polish-Swedish and Swedish-Polish dictionaries is the continuation of the... more ABSTRACT This review of Polish-Swedish and Swedish-Polish dictionaries is the continuation of the review published in the fi rst issue of the journal “Acta Sueco-Polonica” in 1993. In the present article, the author discusses fi rst of all dictionaries published in Poland and Sweden after 1993, but also returns to some of those issued earlier (if their characteristics included in the preceding paper was found to be incomplete). The author also includes a brief description of manuscript dictionary of the early 18th century. The material is presented – as in the article of 1993 – in chronological order. Presentations of dictionaries also have a similar character as in the previous text. By contrast, the set of dictionaries has been selected on a different principle – this time dictionaries included in textbooks of Polish for Swedes and Swedish for Poles are omitted. The author also ignored phrasebook dictionaries, dictionaries in guidebooks and similar publications intended for tourists. The dictionaries discussed in this article differ in one characteristic feature from those discussed nineteen years ago. Before 1993 dictionaries were mostly published in Sweden, and the newest ones were published in Poland. This shows that there is no longer need for dictionaries for Polish immigrants in Sweden. Currently dictionaries are produced primarily for tourists and foreign language learners.
ABSTRACT Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedyskutowanie zakresu i sposobu podawania informacji ... more ABSTRACT Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedyskutowanie zakresu i sposobu podawania informacji gramatycznej w "Słowniku gramatycznym języka polskiego", opracowywanym obecnie w ramach grantu KBN nr 2 H01D 007 24.
The subject of this paper is a grammatical dictionary of Polish published recently by the authors... more The subject of this paper is a grammatical dictionary of Polish published recently by the authors. The dictionary has been worked out in an electronic form and is accessible through a computer program. It is based on the homogeneous grammatical description of contemporary Polish worked out in last 35 years by a team of Polish linguists. Having accepted new solutions
Language Technologies for Digital …, 2011
The article presents the results from the project of the thematic Digital Library of Polish and P... more The article presents the results from the project of the thematic Digital Library of Polish and Poland-related Ephemeral Prints from the 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries, intending to preserve the unique multilingual material, make it available for education and extend it with the joint efforts of historians, philologists, librarians and computer scientists. The paper also puts forward the idea of a living digital library, created with a closed set of resources which can form the basis for their further extension, thus turning traditional digital archives into collaboration platforms.
Studia gramatyczne, 1987
The article (available here: is devoted t... more The article (available here: is devoted to the history of Polish lexicography from its origin in the late Middle Ages until now. Its first important period is the sixteenth century when both practical dictionaries for students and a large Latin-Polish dictionary were published. The greatest achievements of Polish monolingual lexicography were gained in the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century, when Poland did not exist as a state and its territory was divided between Russia, Austria and Prussia (Germany). These were 6-volume Samuel Linde’s Dictionary (1807–1814) and 8-volume Warsaw Dictionary (1900–1927) by Jan Karłowicz, Adam Antoni Kryński and Władysław Niedźwiedzki. After the Second World War the team led by Witold Doroszewski compiled the third large dictionary of Polish (1958–1969). It became the point of departure for other dictionaries prepared in Poland.
Scando-Slavica, 2012
ABSTRACT The Present volume is an edition of a German-Swedish-Polish-Latvian thematically arrange... more ABSTRACT The Present volume is an edition of a German-Swedish-Polish-Latvian thematically arranged dictionary, published in Riga in 1705 under the title Wörter-Büchlein, Wie etzliche gebräuchliche Sachen auff Teutsch, Schwedisch, Polnisch und Lettisch Zu benennen seynd. The volume includes a comprehensive introduction presenting the structure of the dictionary and examining it from a user perspective: For whom was it intended? And how could it have been used? It also deals with the genesis of the dictionary, discussing which earlier dictionaries served as its models, as well as the role of the printing house and of the Latvian clergyman and writer Liborius Depkin, to whom the dictionary has traditionally been ascribed. In separate chapters each one of the four languages in the dictionary is then discussed more in detail, focusing on various lexical, morphological, phonetical and orthographical features, as well as on the origins and sources of the respective vocabularies. This is followed by a reproduction of the dictionary text, and facsimiles of some selected openings from Wörter-Büchlein.
In: Studia gramatyczne VIII, pp. 35-51., 1987
Papers by Włodek Gruszczyński
The volume includes a comprehensive introduction presenting the structure of the dictionary and examining it from a user perspective: For whom was it intended? And how could it have been used? It also deals with the genesis of the dictionary, discussing which earlier dictionaries served as its models, as well as the role of the printing house and of the Latvian clergyman and writer Liborius Depkin, to whom the dictionary has traditionally been ascribed.
In separate chapters each one of the four languages in the dictionary is then discussed more in detail, focusing on various lexical, morphological, phonetical and orthographical features, as well as on the origins and sources of the respective vocabularies.
This is followed by a reproduction of the dictionary text, and facsimiles of some selected openings from Wörter-Büchlein."