Papers by Anna Sobaczewska
![Research paper thumbnail of On the Myth of Electoral Accountability](
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia, Mar 28, 2024
The article presents scientific research on certain assumptions concerning electoral accountabili... more The article presents scientific research on certain assumptions concerning electoral accountability and provides conceptual insights. The central hypothesis is to demonstrate the illusory nature of accountability for the exercise of power once the electoral process comes to an end. An analysis is made of the character and epistemic value of electoral accountability as a myth-a creation structuring an image of political reality. The research is supported by empirical evidence from contemporary social studies. The purpose of the article is to show that the concepts of representation and accountability in political relations are mythical constructs; such an insight allows us to better understand the false expectations those constructions lead to. The study takes an international approach and contributes to worldwide deliberations on political representation.
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego
The article analyzes the participation of GAFAM transnational corporations in the exercise of cla... more The article analyzes the participation of GAFAM transnational corporations in the exercise of classically regarded as state power. According to our thesis, their importance applies not only to business issues, but also to interference in national political relations. It replaces the competences hitherto belonging to the state authorities, both in the sphere of international and internal politics. When mentioning about GAFAM companies, we mean not only specific companies such as Google, Amazon, Facebook (currently Meta Platforms), Apple and Microsoft, which are the most expressive examples confirming our thesis, but also other global companies with a similar operating modus operandi.
Persuasion and Legal Reasoning in the ECtHR Rulings
![Research paper thumbnail of Committees of Inquiry: Some remarks on accountability in practice](
Oñati Socio-Legal Series
Accountability of public authorities remains an ambiguous category, even though it is of crucial ... more Accountability of public authorities remains an ambiguous category, even though it is of crucial importance to the exercise of democratic governance. In this paper, accountability, understood narratively as the ability to receive a report from the exercise of power - is described through the lenses of activity of committees of inquiry. The analysis of the legal framework of the functioning of this instrument, the subject matter under consideration over the years, as well as the frequency and results of committees' activities, has been carried out under three different constitutional systems (Germany, Italy, Poland). Conclusions drawn from this comparison may constitute an interesting introduction to the study of social and political expectations and attitudes towards this well-known parliamentary tool, the evolution of the significance of classical instruments of government control, and the change in the nature of Agent-Principal relations in contemporary legal cultures.
In this article, the author discusses the irreducibility of the norms of human rights to the rule... more In this article, the author discusses the irreducibility of the norms of human rights to the rules of logic and to a syllogistic model for the application of law. She discusses the proposal of applying hermeneutical method to the process of adjudication, which could lead to a correspondence between the meanings of legal facts and norms.
Oblicza i aporie rozliczalności władzy sędziowskiej 2
![Research paper thumbnail of The Worth of the Priceless, and the Price of the Worthless: Does the Modern Art Market Affect the Freedom of Artistic Creativity?](
The text presents some features of the contemporary art market and a few specific issues related ... more The text presents some features of the contemporary art market and a few specific issues related to the valuation and circulation of works of art. The specificity of the art market, the role of experts and intermediaries, difficulties in valuing works of modern art, have an impact on the scope and content of the protection of moral and material interests resulting from artistic production, the scope and content of freedom of artistic creativity. Processes of valuing artworks bring questions on the necessity of the introduction of regulatory mechanisms to increase the transparency of transactions, in order to protect the value of works of art and the freedom of artistic creativity. 2 (17.05.2020). Among others: Y. Bouvier, the famous owner of the gallery, inflates the prices of works in an unauthorized way, see:
![Research paper thumbnail of Public Morality as a Legitimate Aim to Limit Rights and Freedoms in the National and International Legal Order](
Contemporary Central & East European Law, 2019
Domestic legislation and international instruments designed for the protection of human rights pr... more Domestic legislation and international instruments designed for the protection of human rights provide for general clauses allowing limitations of rights and freedoms, e.g. public morals. A preliminary analysis of the case-law leads to the observation that both national courts and the European Court of Human Rights, when dealing with cases concerning sensitive moral issues, introduce varied argumentation methods allowing them to avoid making direct moral judgments and relying on the legitimate aim of protecting morality. In the article the Authors analyse selected judicial rulings in which moral issues may have played an important role. The scrutiny is done in order to identify and briefly discuss some examples of ways of argumentation used in the area under discussion by domestic and international courts. The identification of the courts’ methods of reasoning enables us in turn to make a preliminary assessment of the real role that the morality plays in the interpretation of human ...
International Human Rights Law Review, 2021
This article comments on the Polish Constitutional Tribunal judgment delivered on 22 October 2020... more This article comments on the Polish Constitutional Tribunal judgment delivered on 22 October 2020 on the unconstitutionality of the provision of the Act of 1993 allowing for the termination of pregnancy for embryo-pathological reasons. The author provides a commentary on the judgment from the point of view of its formal features and content and demonstrates that it violates in both respects the right to privacy and freedom from inhuman or degrading treatment, as it was passed without taking into account nor properly balancing the rights of a pregnant mother in a situation of particular vulnerability.
George Orwell w jednym ze swoich felietonów przytoczył opowieść o angielskim podróżniku i history... more George Orwell w jednym ze swoich felietonów przytoczył opowieść o angielskim podróżniku i historyku z przełomu XVI i XVII stulecia, sir Walterze Raleigh, który, uwięziony w londyńskim Tower, rozpoczął pisanie–w zamierzeniu–dzieła swojego życia, Historii ...
ANNA MŁYNARSKA-SOBACZEWSKA Dobro wspólne jako kategoria normatywna The term "common good", unders... more ANNA MŁYNARSKA-SOBACZEWSKA Dobro wspólne jako kategoria normatywna The term "common good", understood as the good shared by all the society (community), is well known in ancient and modern philosophy and in theory of politics, but very seldom is directly articled in law documents. This idea of common good has few senses described in the article: aggregative, common, suppressive, and integral. Always, however, the idea has been connected with doctrine of natural law. The term "common good" has also normative sense. This article compares the senses of Irish and Polish Constitutions, both of them use this idea in normative texts. Analysis of Polish Constitutional Tribunal decisions leads to conclusion that the sense of common good in Polish practice is not clear and has very weak association with doctrine (of natural law).
![Research paper thumbnail of Accountability as a Category of Constitutional Law – Terminological Considerations](
Comparative Law Review, 2021
The article discusses the problem of the indeterminate defendant in European tort law systems and... more The article discusses the problem of the indeterminate defendant in European tort law systems and in the projects aiming to unify tort law in Europe, such as Draft Common Frame of Reference and Principles of European Tort Law. The given issue relates to a situation where there is a damage caused by one factor, yet upon available evidence one may indicate a few potential factors which might have led to the damage, but it cannot be ascertained which factor was the actual cause of it. The problem is addressed with reference to two scenarios. First, when there is a limited and known number of persons acting tortiously, each of whom potentially might have led to the damage, but only one of them had actually caused it. Second, when it is certain that one tortfeasor from the undetermined group of tortfeasors caused damage to some of the injured persons from the group of the injured persons, but it cannot be established precisely which tortfeasor caused damage to precisely which injured person. In comparative law analysis, one may find various attempts to deal with the given issue, which come from the balance of ratios given to different solutions, as well as the legal possibilities or obstacles in national tort law systems. The main possibilities are: all-or-nothing approach, joint and several liability, and proportional liability. Those solutions are discussed in article in more detail with conclusion that the bold proposition of proportional liability presented in Principles of European Tort Law seems to be the most appropriate.
Przegląd Prawa i Administracji, 2020
THE JUDICIAL COUNCIL FOR SCOTLAND AND THE JUDICIAL APPOINTMENTS BOARD FOR SCOTLANDThe article pre... more THE JUDICIAL COUNCIL FOR SCOTLAND AND THE JUDICIAL APPOINTMENTS BOARD FOR SCOTLANDThe article presents the structure, competences and functions of the two bodies responsible for protecting the independence of the judiciary in Scotland. The text also presents the reforms to which the Scottish judiciary has been subject in the 21st century and the organisation of the judiciary in Scotland.
Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego, 2011
Ochrona zabytków jako ograniczenie prawa własności rzeczy zabytkowej. Uwagi na tle orzeczenia ETP... more Ochrona zabytków jako ograniczenie prawa własności rzeczy zabytkowej. Uwagi na tle orzeczenia ETPC w sprawie Połomscy przeciwko Polsce z dnia 29 marca 2011 r.
Papers by Anna Sobaczewska