Poliisi ja sosiaaliviranomainen ovat keskeisiä viranomaistahoja, jotka kohtaavat työssään maahanm... more Poliisi ja sosiaaliviranomainen ovat keskeisiä viranomaistahoja, jotka kohtaavat työssään maahanmuuttajia. Paljon työtä tehdään vielä erikseen, vaikka kosketuspinnat yhtyvät moni kulttuurisessa yhteisössä eri viranomaisten välillä. Myös ammattitaitovaatimukset kasvavat koko ajan yhteiskunnan muuttuessa. Asiakkaissa on yhä enemmän muita kieliä äidinkielenään puhuvia ja toisenlaisista kulttuureista tulleita henkilöitä. Lisäksi maahanmuuttaja on usein suomalaista palvelujärjestelmää tuntematon asiakas. Nämä seikat synnyttävät kehittämistarpeita, jotta viranomaiset ja myös kolmannen sektorin toimijat pystyvät entistä paremmin palvelemaan eri taustan omaavia asiakkaita. Turun poliisin työtä maahanmuuttajien parissa koskevassa analyysissa on tullut esille, että poliisin puoleen käännytään usein sosiaaliviranomaiselle kuuluvissa asioissa. Sidosryhmäyhteistyössä tiedon kulku ja välittäminen puolin ja toisin koettiin tärkeäksi. Tutkimuksessa haastatellut poliisit uskoivat, että perehdyttämin...
Tutkimuksessa tuodaan uutta tietoa väestön ja työvoiman kansainvälistymisestä Suomessa. Kehitystä... more Tutkimuksessa tuodaan uutta tietoa väestön ja työvoiman kansainvälistymisestä Suomessa. Kehitystä katsotaan niin koko maan kuin maakuntien osalta nykypäivästä vuoteen 2015 ja erityisindikaattorina käytetään maahanmuuttoa. Kirjassa tarkastellaan maahanmuuttajien tilannetta 1990- ja 2000-luvun työmarkkinoilla sekä ennakoidaan työvoiman tulevaa tarvetta. Tutkimus toteutettiin Kansainvälinen liikkuvuus, työvoiman tarve ja maahanmuuton vaikutukset koulutustarjontaan -ennakointihankkeena, jota rahoittivat opetusministeriö, Euroopan Sosiaalirahasto ja Siirtolaisuusinstituutti. Tutkimuksen primääriaineistona ovat Tilastokeskuksesta ostetut laajat virta-aineistot, Opetushallituksen ylläpitämä Ensti-tietokanta sekä lukuisat kyselyt ja haastattelut. Oulun yliopiston tapaustutkimuksen avulla tarkastellaan yliopistotutkinnon suorittaneiden halukkuutta ja aikomusta muuttaa ulkomaille työskentelemään sekä kansainvälisten opiskelijoiden kiinnostusta jäädä Suomeen. Korkeasti koulutettujen ulkomaalai...
This article concentrates on the special features of country-internal migration of im-migrants. T... more This article concentrates on the special features of country-internal migration of im-migrants. The internal migration of immigrants within the country and the growth of urban centers are analyzed on the national level by municipalities and, in more detail, in nine differently structured local labor-market areas. The position of immigrants in the local labor-market areas depends on their educational level. Urban centers with developed, multistructured labor markets have strengthened their edge over others in attracting in-migrants from more peripheral areas in the subgroup of immigrants, as well as in general. Internal and international migrations are related to each other. The larger urban centers and refugee-receiving municipalities play an important role in linking international and internal migration.
International mobility has increased, and people are in growing numbers receiving their education... more International mobility has increased, and people are in growing numbers receiving their education or a part of it outside their home countries. Temporary migration of students can become permanent if, upon graduation, they do not return to their home countries but stay in the new countries of residence. Transitions to other countries’ labour markets further expand the international flow of skilled persons for whom countries often compete. This article is analysing foreign students as a part of international mobility using a case-study from the University of Oulu. Among the foreign students of the University of Oulu were basic degree students, post-graduates, exchange students and other students passing separate studies present at 14.9.2005. The article clarifies, in addition to students’ home countries and fields of study, their ranking of attracting countries to work in the future in which Finland got a good position. Some students have had working experiences in Finland and their ...
Este libro recoge buenas practicas a favor de la integracion en sociedades multiculturales caract... more Este libro recoge buenas practicas a favor de la integracion en sociedades multiculturales caracterizadas por la cooperacion entre policia local, asociaciones de y pro inmigrantes y trabajadores sociale
The seminar "Multicultural marriages as ethnic bridges in Finland" has resulted in a report where... more The seminar "Multicultural marriages as ethnic bridges in Finland" has resulted in a report where multicultural marriages are studied from the viewpoint of research, juridical aspects and children's identity. The organization of the seminar was based on the fi nal resolution on multi-cultural and new migrant families made by the Finnish Expatriate Parliament in 2002. Multicultural marriages in different countries According to Elli Heikkilä Finnish men in multicultural marriages usually had Russian or Estonian spouses in 2002. Spouses from Thailand and the former Soviet Union were next most common. During the time span 1991-2002 there were 4,854 marriages with Russian women, while marriages with Estonian women numbered 2,219. In 1,321 marriages the spouse came from Thailand and in 1,157 marriages from the former Soviet Union.
Migration is a process of long duration, which reflects the migrant’s needs and values. The cause... more Migration is a process of long duration, which reflects the migrant’s needs and values. The causes of migration relate to the physical and social environments, and these factors can be described by push and pull theories. The probability of moving to a specific location depends on the differential attractiveness of the various regions available to the migrant. The rise of the turnaround phenomenon in migration in the developed countries has been explained by changes in the place-preference value system. Migration to the countryside has focused on areas within easy access of the main built-up areas in Kainuu, Finland.
This article concentrates on the special features of country-internal migration of immigrants.The... more This article concentrates on the special features of country-internal migration of immigrants.The internal migration of immigrants within the country and the growth ofurban centers are analyzed on the national level by municipalities and, in more detail,in nine differently structured local labor-market areas. The position of immigrants inthe local labor-market areas depends on their educational level. Urban centers withdeveloped, multistructured labor markets have strengthened their edge over others inattracting in-migrants from more peripheral areas in the subgroup of immigrants, aswell as in general. Internal and international migrations are related to each other. Thelarger urban centers and refugee-receiving municipalities play an important role inlinking international and internal migration.
Foreign seasonal migrants fill labour shortages in host countries if employers do not or cannot f... more Foreign seasonal migrants fill labour shortages in host countries if employers do not or cannot find available short-term labour from among the country’s own labour reserves. In reality, it is difficult to find seasonal workers from among the native population ready to work in the primary sector, making the sector highly dependent on a foreign workforce. Migration Letters as an international journal addresses the diversity of human migration and mobility, which includes a wide range of dynamic aspects affecting the modern world. The current fifth issue of volume 17 of the journal includes multi-sided content on the topic from papers around the world. It includes papers dealing with refugees, asylum seekers, displaced populations, migrant workers, job-education mismatch, the language proficiency of migrants, their personal networks and sex traffickers.
Immigration from the former socialist countries into Western Europe generally increased after the... more Immigration from the former socialist countries into Western Europe generally increased after the fall of the Iron Curtain. This was also apparent with respect to the Nordic labour markets and Finland where the share of immigrants grew from countries around the Baltic Sea Region. The main immigrant groups come to Finland from Sweden, Russia and Estonia. Immigration from Poland, Lithuania and Latvia has not played such an important role. This paper analyses the volume and integration of immigrants from the selected countries of Baltic Sea Region. Integration can be measured by their performance in the Finnish labour markets.
Migration is a dynamic and changing phenomenon so too is migration scholarship and research. Whil... more Migration is a dynamic and changing phenomenon so too is migration scholarship and research. While we understand that migration experience has always been responsive to political and economic environments we continue to search for new approaches and statements about migration’s triggers. Speedy progress in information and communication systems helped people in making informed decisions; improvements in transportation have both increased the number of potential destinations and origin areas contributing to migration. In policy and research papers, we have seen more and more mention of temporary migration, circular migration, and short term migration and so on. Chinese and Indian economic growth, the attraction of the EU and USA to job seekers everywhere, food crisis, environmental hazards as well as large or small scale wars and conflicts will continue to displace people internally and internationally.
The number of multicultural marriages and relationships are growing in our globalizing world, whe... more The number of multicultural marriages and relationships are growing in our globalizing world, when people move more frequently from place to place and country to country. Marriage migration as itself is a form of migration. It can be defined as migration to join a spouse in another area within a country and, in international marriages, in another country. The actual knowledge about marriage migration is relatively low: the field of migration research has until recently paid little attention to this topic. The dynamics and social processes leading to a person marrying a person from another country are far more complex and multifaceted than what one might initially assume. There is an apparent need to know more about the dynamics of these relationships. This book aims to increase understanding about marriage migration and its underlying processes and dynamics as well as the outcomes of such marriages. The chapters that appear in this volume represent original and individual thinking and insight into the marriage migration around the world. We are thankful to the chapter authors for your valuable contributions. We would like to thank the Institute of Migration, Finland, particularly director Ismo Söderling for his insightful comments on the manuscript, and administrative manager Kirsi Sainio who organized the layout of the book. Thank you also for Professor David Newman, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, of the photo for the book cover.
is a forum for co-operation between the Nordic parliaments and governments. The Council consists ... more is a forum for co-operation between the Nordic parliaments and governments. The Council consists of 87 parliamentarians from the Nordic countries. The Nordic Council takes policy initiatives and monitors Nordic co-operation. Founded in 1952. The Nordic Council of Ministers is a forum for co-operation between the Nordic governments. The Nordic Council of Ministers implements Nordic cooperation. The prime ministers have the overall responsibility. Its activities are co-ordinated by the Nordic ministers for co-operation, the Nordic Committee for co-operation and portfolio ministers. Founded in 1971. Stockholm, Sweden 2000 Contents
This paper deals with the question of function and necessity of immigration for the regional popu... more This paper deals with the question of function and necessity of immigration for the regional population development as well as the "in-sourcing" of immigrant labour as a part of the total national and regional labour force. Important questions to be raised have been as follows: To which degree do the immigrants take part in the labour market in the Nordic countries and to which degree do their labour market participation rates vary across the different regional labour markets? Furthermore, how homogeneous are the various immigrant groups in labour market participation, and in which sectors of the economy have they found jobs? Hypotheses and theories put forward expects that immigrant labour first and foremost have a tendency to offer their supply of labour to some parts of the economy more than to others. The capital areas and major cities have been the most attractive destinations for immigrants in the Nordic countries, which has accelerated the urbanisation process. This...
The edited book aims at broadening our understanding of Finnish emigration and the multitude of d... more The edited book aims at broadening our understanding of Finnish emigration and the multitude of different types of transnational mobility that Finns engage in, which is a distinctive feature of our times. The days when entire villages in the peripheries had to contemplate international migration to a single destination as a survival strategy are long gone. Current migration from Finland is much more diverse, as people make individual choices with their own motivations for undertaking international mobility. FInns abroad - New forms of mobility and migration takes the reader on a trip that spans over four continents and explores different types of mobility, such as marriage and family migration, company secondments and highly-skilled migration. The book includes articles from Elli Heikkilä, Krister Björklund, Saara Koikkalainen, Salla Saarela, Johanna Leinonen, Carol Marie Kiriakos, Nicol Foulkes, Anu Warinowski, Leena Vuorinen, Tiina Lammervo ja Sanna-Mari Vierimaa.
Poliisi ja sosiaaliviranomainen ovat keskeisiä viranomaistahoja, jotka kohtaavat työssään maahanm... more Poliisi ja sosiaaliviranomainen ovat keskeisiä viranomaistahoja, jotka kohtaavat työssään maahanmuuttajia. Paljon työtä tehdään vielä erikseen, vaikka kosketuspinnat yhtyvät moni kulttuurisessa yhteisössä eri viranomaisten välillä. Myös ammattitaitovaatimukset kasvavat koko ajan yhteiskunnan muuttuessa. Asiakkaissa on yhä enemmän muita kieliä äidinkielenään puhuvia ja toisenlaisista kulttuureista tulleita henkilöitä. Lisäksi maahanmuuttaja on usein suomalaista palvelujärjestelmää tuntematon asiakas. Nämä seikat synnyttävät kehittämistarpeita, jotta viranomaiset ja myös kolmannen sektorin toimijat pystyvät entistä paremmin palvelemaan eri taustan omaavia asiakkaita. Turun poliisin työtä maahanmuuttajien parissa koskevassa analyysissa on tullut esille, että poliisin puoleen käännytään usein sosiaaliviranomaiselle kuuluvissa asioissa. Sidosryhmäyhteistyössä tiedon kulku ja välittäminen puolin ja toisin koettiin tärkeäksi. Tutkimuksessa haastatellut poliisit uskoivat, että perehdyttämin...
Tutkimuksessa tuodaan uutta tietoa väestön ja työvoiman kansainvälistymisestä Suomessa. Kehitystä... more Tutkimuksessa tuodaan uutta tietoa väestön ja työvoiman kansainvälistymisestä Suomessa. Kehitystä katsotaan niin koko maan kuin maakuntien osalta nykypäivästä vuoteen 2015 ja erityisindikaattorina käytetään maahanmuuttoa. Kirjassa tarkastellaan maahanmuuttajien tilannetta 1990- ja 2000-luvun työmarkkinoilla sekä ennakoidaan työvoiman tulevaa tarvetta. Tutkimus toteutettiin Kansainvälinen liikkuvuus, työvoiman tarve ja maahanmuuton vaikutukset koulutustarjontaan -ennakointihankkeena, jota rahoittivat opetusministeriö, Euroopan Sosiaalirahasto ja Siirtolaisuusinstituutti. Tutkimuksen primääriaineistona ovat Tilastokeskuksesta ostetut laajat virta-aineistot, Opetushallituksen ylläpitämä Ensti-tietokanta sekä lukuisat kyselyt ja haastattelut. Oulun yliopiston tapaustutkimuksen avulla tarkastellaan yliopistotutkinnon suorittaneiden halukkuutta ja aikomusta muuttaa ulkomaille työskentelemään sekä kansainvälisten opiskelijoiden kiinnostusta jäädä Suomeen. Korkeasti koulutettujen ulkomaalai...
This article concentrates on the special features of country-internal migration of im-migrants. T... more This article concentrates on the special features of country-internal migration of im-migrants. The internal migration of immigrants within the country and the growth of urban centers are analyzed on the national level by municipalities and, in more detail, in nine differently structured local labor-market areas. The position of immigrants in the local labor-market areas depends on their educational level. Urban centers with developed, multistructured labor markets have strengthened their edge over others in attracting in-migrants from more peripheral areas in the subgroup of immigrants, as well as in general. Internal and international migrations are related to each other. The larger urban centers and refugee-receiving municipalities play an important role in linking international and internal migration.
International mobility has increased, and people are in growing numbers receiving their education... more International mobility has increased, and people are in growing numbers receiving their education or a part of it outside their home countries. Temporary migration of students can become permanent if, upon graduation, they do not return to their home countries but stay in the new countries of residence. Transitions to other countries’ labour markets further expand the international flow of skilled persons for whom countries often compete. This article is analysing foreign students as a part of international mobility using a case-study from the University of Oulu. Among the foreign students of the University of Oulu were basic degree students, post-graduates, exchange students and other students passing separate studies present at 14.9.2005. The article clarifies, in addition to students’ home countries and fields of study, their ranking of attracting countries to work in the future in which Finland got a good position. Some students have had working experiences in Finland and their ...
Este libro recoge buenas practicas a favor de la integracion en sociedades multiculturales caract... more Este libro recoge buenas practicas a favor de la integracion en sociedades multiculturales caracterizadas por la cooperacion entre policia local, asociaciones de y pro inmigrantes y trabajadores sociale
The seminar "Multicultural marriages as ethnic bridges in Finland" has resulted in a report where... more The seminar "Multicultural marriages as ethnic bridges in Finland" has resulted in a report where multicultural marriages are studied from the viewpoint of research, juridical aspects and children's identity. The organization of the seminar was based on the fi nal resolution on multi-cultural and new migrant families made by the Finnish Expatriate Parliament in 2002. Multicultural marriages in different countries According to Elli Heikkilä Finnish men in multicultural marriages usually had Russian or Estonian spouses in 2002. Spouses from Thailand and the former Soviet Union were next most common. During the time span 1991-2002 there were 4,854 marriages with Russian women, while marriages with Estonian women numbered 2,219. In 1,321 marriages the spouse came from Thailand and in 1,157 marriages from the former Soviet Union.
Migration is a process of long duration, which reflects the migrant’s needs and values. The cause... more Migration is a process of long duration, which reflects the migrant’s needs and values. The causes of migration relate to the physical and social environments, and these factors can be described by push and pull theories. The probability of moving to a specific location depends on the differential attractiveness of the various regions available to the migrant. The rise of the turnaround phenomenon in migration in the developed countries has been explained by changes in the place-preference value system. Migration to the countryside has focused on areas within easy access of the main built-up areas in Kainuu, Finland.
This article concentrates on the special features of country-internal migration of immigrants.The... more This article concentrates on the special features of country-internal migration of immigrants.The internal migration of immigrants within the country and the growth ofurban centers are analyzed on the national level by municipalities and, in more detail,in nine differently structured local labor-market areas. The position of immigrants inthe local labor-market areas depends on their educational level. Urban centers withdeveloped, multistructured labor markets have strengthened their edge over others inattracting in-migrants from more peripheral areas in the subgroup of immigrants, aswell as in general. Internal and international migrations are related to each other. Thelarger urban centers and refugee-receiving municipalities play an important role inlinking international and internal migration.
Foreign seasonal migrants fill labour shortages in host countries if employers do not or cannot f... more Foreign seasonal migrants fill labour shortages in host countries if employers do not or cannot find available short-term labour from among the country’s own labour reserves. In reality, it is difficult to find seasonal workers from among the native population ready to work in the primary sector, making the sector highly dependent on a foreign workforce. Migration Letters as an international journal addresses the diversity of human migration and mobility, which includes a wide range of dynamic aspects affecting the modern world. The current fifth issue of volume 17 of the journal includes multi-sided content on the topic from papers around the world. It includes papers dealing with refugees, asylum seekers, displaced populations, migrant workers, job-education mismatch, the language proficiency of migrants, their personal networks and sex traffickers.
Immigration from the former socialist countries into Western Europe generally increased after the... more Immigration from the former socialist countries into Western Europe generally increased after the fall of the Iron Curtain. This was also apparent with respect to the Nordic labour markets and Finland where the share of immigrants grew from countries around the Baltic Sea Region. The main immigrant groups come to Finland from Sweden, Russia and Estonia. Immigration from Poland, Lithuania and Latvia has not played such an important role. This paper analyses the volume and integration of immigrants from the selected countries of Baltic Sea Region. Integration can be measured by their performance in the Finnish labour markets.
Migration is a dynamic and changing phenomenon so too is migration scholarship and research. Whil... more Migration is a dynamic and changing phenomenon so too is migration scholarship and research. While we understand that migration experience has always been responsive to political and economic environments we continue to search for new approaches and statements about migration’s triggers. Speedy progress in information and communication systems helped people in making informed decisions; improvements in transportation have both increased the number of potential destinations and origin areas contributing to migration. In policy and research papers, we have seen more and more mention of temporary migration, circular migration, and short term migration and so on. Chinese and Indian economic growth, the attraction of the EU and USA to job seekers everywhere, food crisis, environmental hazards as well as large or small scale wars and conflicts will continue to displace people internally and internationally.
The number of multicultural marriages and relationships are growing in our globalizing world, whe... more The number of multicultural marriages and relationships are growing in our globalizing world, when people move more frequently from place to place and country to country. Marriage migration as itself is a form of migration. It can be defined as migration to join a spouse in another area within a country and, in international marriages, in another country. The actual knowledge about marriage migration is relatively low: the field of migration research has until recently paid little attention to this topic. The dynamics and social processes leading to a person marrying a person from another country are far more complex and multifaceted than what one might initially assume. There is an apparent need to know more about the dynamics of these relationships. This book aims to increase understanding about marriage migration and its underlying processes and dynamics as well as the outcomes of such marriages. The chapters that appear in this volume represent original and individual thinking and insight into the marriage migration around the world. We are thankful to the chapter authors for your valuable contributions. We would like to thank the Institute of Migration, Finland, particularly director Ismo Söderling for his insightful comments on the manuscript, and administrative manager Kirsi Sainio who organized the layout of the book. Thank you also for Professor David Newman, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, of the photo for the book cover.
is a forum for co-operation between the Nordic parliaments and governments. The Council consists ... more is a forum for co-operation between the Nordic parliaments and governments. The Council consists of 87 parliamentarians from the Nordic countries. The Nordic Council takes policy initiatives and monitors Nordic co-operation. Founded in 1952. The Nordic Council of Ministers is a forum for co-operation between the Nordic governments. The Nordic Council of Ministers implements Nordic cooperation. The prime ministers have the overall responsibility. Its activities are co-ordinated by the Nordic ministers for co-operation, the Nordic Committee for co-operation and portfolio ministers. Founded in 1971. Stockholm, Sweden 2000 Contents
This paper deals with the question of function and necessity of immigration for the regional popu... more This paper deals with the question of function and necessity of immigration for the regional population development as well as the "in-sourcing" of immigrant labour as a part of the total national and regional labour force. Important questions to be raised have been as follows: To which degree do the immigrants take part in the labour market in the Nordic countries and to which degree do their labour market participation rates vary across the different regional labour markets? Furthermore, how homogeneous are the various immigrant groups in labour market participation, and in which sectors of the economy have they found jobs? Hypotheses and theories put forward expects that immigrant labour first and foremost have a tendency to offer their supply of labour to some parts of the economy more than to others. The capital areas and major cities have been the most attractive destinations for immigrants in the Nordic countries, which has accelerated the urbanisation process. This...
The edited book aims at broadening our understanding of Finnish emigration and the multitude of d... more The edited book aims at broadening our understanding of Finnish emigration and the multitude of different types of transnational mobility that Finns engage in, which is a distinctive feature of our times. The days when entire villages in the peripheries had to contemplate international migration to a single destination as a survival strategy are long gone. Current migration from Finland is much more diverse, as people make individual choices with their own motivations for undertaking international mobility. FInns abroad - New forms of mobility and migration takes the reader on a trip that spans over four continents and explores different types of mobility, such as marriage and family migration, company secondments and highly-skilled migration. The book includes articles from Elli Heikkilä, Krister Björklund, Saara Koikkalainen, Salla Saarela, Johanna Leinonen, Carol Marie Kiriakos, Nicol Foulkes, Anu Warinowski, Leena Vuorinen, Tiina Lammervo ja Sanna-Mari Vierimaa.
Papers by Elli Heikkilä