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A member registered Jul 09, 2023

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Thank you so much for your positive feedback!

Thank you for playing through the whole game and the feedback!

Thank you so much!

So for audio I would suggest some free site like free sound,

And with not able to be moving forward I meant that I sadly had no idea what to do I ran from the left side to the right side but couldn't find anything, except a pedestal with something on it, when I picked it up nothing happened and I didn't know what to do next

Thanks for the comment,

I think we did make the boss fight a bit too difficult and unfair for the player, but there is a short cut to get to the boss faster if that could have helped.

Love the game idea of manually having to create  each drink, the  ordering system reminds me a bit of overcooked. It is a really fun game and has its charm. At first i was a bit confused about how to serve the drinks but figured it out after a bit of playing around.

I would really love to see this game to be developed further!

I really like the concept of changing between the two worlds , but sadly i wasnt able progress any further than the beginning, maybe you can add a short description about all button inputs and explain a bit what you have to do. Sometimes i was also really confused about the art because of its simplicity.

I think if you add sounds/music make the visuals clearer and add some explanation and  it could really enhance the game.

Thanks for the kind words, we will definetly work more the presentation!