%I #7 Jun 23 2016 18:27:04
%S 509203,63064644938,9,346802,84687,408034255082,14,4,10176,862,25,302,
%T 4,36370321851498,9,86,246,144,8,560,4461,476,4,36,149,8,144,4,1369,
%U 134718,10,16,6,287860,4,7772,13,4,81,8,15137,672,4,22564,8177,14,3226,36,16
%N Smallest Riesel number to base n.
%C a(2), a(3), a(5), a(6), a(7), a(10), a(15), a(22), a(23), a(30), ... are only conjectural (see links).
%H Gary Barnes, <a href="http://www.noprimeleftbehind.net/crus/Riesel-conjectures.htm">Riesel conjectures and proofs</a>.
%H Gary Barnes, <a href="http://www.noprimeleftbehind.net/crus/Riesel-conjectures-powers2.htm">Riesel conjectures and proofs, Powers of 2</a>.
%H Gary Barnes, <a href="http://www.noprimeleftbehind.net/crus/tab/CRUS_tab.htm">Condensed table of all conjectures for bases ≤ 1030</a>.
%H Wikipedia, <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riesel_number">Riesel number</a>.
%Y Cf. A076337, A101036.
%K nonn,hard
%O 2,1
%A _Tim Johannes Ohrtmann_, Jun 06 2016