Contact us
Email is the primary contact channel.
- [email protected] is the best email address for general inquires
- [email protected] (or [email protected]) to learn more about our digital services for remote working
- [email protected] for any communications for the NZOSS Council
Real-time chat
Please create an account at and you can post there. There are many channels catering to specific interests. If you're not sure, just post in #general (the default channel). Many people will be available to respond to you.
Social Media
Via Mastodon: after you create an account at and reach us by posting there.
We have a presence on Twitter and Facebook but they aren't actively monitored.
If you are having an issue with our online services, you can contact our Webmasters to let the team know.
You can also review much NZOSS code (and contact the developers) on our NZ-based GitLab.
Our bank account: Westpac 03-0104-0411939-00