sew inspiration

23 Pins
Vintage Vogue Sewing Book
Vintage Vogue Sewing Book | fadedcharacter | Flickr
Vintage Vogue Sewing Book
Vintage Vogue Sewing Book | fadedcharacter | Flickr
Chanel Tweed Jacket Underway: Trim and Fringe
Just Keep Sewing: Chanel Tweed Jacket Underway: Trim and Fringe
The ultimate Neckline Vocabulary
The Ultimate Neckline Fashion Vocabulary: I can do Scoop, V neck, off-shoulder, square, queen anne and cowl
寰堟姳姝夛紝鎮ㄨ璁块棶鐨勯〉闈笉瀛樺湪锛?褰╁嵃鍖呰_ 绾哥鍖呰_鍗緣甯傜幇浠e寘瑁呮湁闄愯矗浠诲叕鍙伏/title>
The Shape of Collars