Abandoned Staircases

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Destroyed and Abandoned
Abandoned staircase
Freaktography Urban Exploring and Photography
Freaktography Urban Exploring and Photography — I have waited over ...
Garthland House & Chapel - Urbex Explore - Abandoned Scotland
Formerly a grand staircase now lying stripped of its metal by thieves with the walls shedding their paint.
I adore this crazy, curvy staircase and the windows in this unique abandoned building. So cool.
Photog Haunts Abandoned Places
Belgian pilot and photographer Henk van Rensbergen has been exploring abandoned places all his life
New York Designer Inspirations: Part One
The staircase of an abandoned chateau in Lumiere, France.
A Secret Ballroom Built In The 1800s Lies Under A Lake, Guarded By Neptune
The stairs down to Whitley Wonder in England, built by Whitaker Wright as a secret underwater ballroom in the park - Surrey, England.