Papers by Oyunjargal Ochir
Acta Mongolica Vol.9, 263-278, 2009
Тэнгэрийн Тэтгэсний 20 дугаар (1755) онд Манж Чин улсын Зүүнгарыг дайлах хойт замын туслагч жанжи... more Тэнгэрийн Тэтгэсний 20 дугаар (1755) онд Манж Чин улсын Зүүнгарыг дайлах хойт замын туслагч жанжин болж, Илд буцсан Амарсанаа захирах эзэнгүй Дашдаваагийн харьяатыг өөрийн захиргаан дор байлгах гэв. Түүний энэ санааг мэдсэн Дашдаваагийн зайсан асан, баруун замын туслагч жанжин Саарал дээш айлтгаснаар Дашдаваагийн харьяатыг хуучин зайсан нараар нь захируулав. Түүний дараа Амарсанаагийн бослогын цэрэгт ялагдаж, зугтсан ялд унасан Саарал, хуучин ноён Дашдаваагийн хүүгийн тухай мэдсээр байж мэдүүлээгүй хэрэг илрэв. Өөрөөр хэлбэл, гагц Амарсанаа бус Саарал ч 7000 орчим хүн бүхий Дашдаваагийн харьяатыг захирах буюу өөрийн нөлөөн дор байлгахыг санаархаж байжээ. Тиймээс Манжийн төр Дашдаваагийн харьяатыг Илээс холдуулж, Алтайд суулгахаар болсон авч яг тэр үед Халхад Чингүнжавын бослого гарсан тул Халхын нутгийн гүн Орхонд нүүлгэн, чандлан харгалзах болжээ. Тэгээд Тэнгэрийн Тэтгэсний 22 (1757) онд шинээр баригдсан Хотол энхжүүлэгч сүмд суулгахаар Дашдаваагийн харьяат лам, тэдний гэр бүлийг Халуун голд нүүлгэсэн ба үлдэгсэдийг Халхын нутагт удаан суулгах аргагүй тул хоёр жилийн дараа мөн Халуун голд нүүлгэжээ.
Шашин, өв соёл судлал IXX, 2023
Шашин, өв соёл судлал XVII, 2023
Б.Нацагдорж, О.Оюунжаргал. Хүрээний хэргийн зүй (庫倫事宜) хэмээх сурвалжийн тухай. // Монголчуудын соёлын өв - V: гар бичмэл ба архивын баримтын цуглуулга. Улаанбаатар - Санкт-Петербург, 2023. 100-111-р тал. , 2023
Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia, was first f... more ON THE SOURCE CALLED KU-LUN SHI-YI (庫倫事宜).
Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia, was first founded in the 17th century as the Khuree of Jebzundamba Qutuytu. During the rule of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, Khuree became one of the important administrative hubs of Mongolia on the north side of the Gobi, since the Manchus established here the office of Governor of Khuree to administer two eastern Aimags of Khalkh and the Great Disciple of the Jebzundamba Qutuytu and the relations with Russia. Although, we have sufficient
primary archival sources to study the duties and responsibilities of the Governor of Khuree during the Manchu Qing period, until recently we did not have the written sources specifically dedicated to the office of the Khuree Governor. Therefore, we present the results of the research and analysis of the source called written in Manchu and Chinese, kept in Japan.
Хошуудын түүх, соёл, Bibliotheca Oiratica LXXVIII, 142-158, 2018
Манжийн үеийн Ховдын хязгаарт Шинэ хошууд хошуу байгуулагдсан үйл явцыг, манж сурвалжид тулгуурла... more Манжийн үеийн Ховдын хязгаарт Шинэ хошууд хошуу байгуулагдсан үйл явцыг, манж сурвалжид тулгуурлан авч үзсэн.
1755-1758 оны Манжийн эсрэг монголчуудын зэвсэгт тэмцлийн түүхийн асуудал, 2019
Acta Historica (Journal of Educational University of Mongolia), 2007
Beginning from 1799 some banners of the Tüsiyetü khan aimag, located faraway from Uliyasutai, had... more Beginning from 1799 some banners of the Tüsiyetü khan aimag, located faraway from Uliyasutai, had begun to prepare so called ‘tosqun mal’. It was caused by their will, not to become indebted heavily to the Chinese merchants, since they were forced to buy their horses and camels for the service by latter, due to their distanced location from Uliyasutai. Therefore, near the Erdenezuu monastery the horses and the camels for the service from each banner were collected in advance and then sent to Uliyasutai. Since then the bigger banners located near to it were easily fulfilling their duties not to running into debt. But to the little banners located faraway from Uliyasutai and Erdenezuu, it was much easier to get credit by Chinese merchants or to appoint someone to Uliyasutai, who would be responsible for the debt of the service horses and camels. Finally, the harsh summers and the winters soon interrupted the preparing of the ‘tosqun mal’.
Since near Uliyasutai there were also living the personal ‘tosqun’ people of the Uliyasutai’s general and the general of the aimag, who were herding the personal cattle of the generals, one can consider that the word ‘tosqun’ in the Qalq-a during the Qing rule had the meaning – the people who were obliged to meet and to prepare for the service.
XVII-XX зууны эхэн үеXVII-XX зууны эхэн үеийн Монголын түүхийн судалгаа, ШУА, Түүхийн хүрээлэн, УБ, , 2010
XYI-XYII зуунд хүчирхэгжсэн хотгойдын Алтан хад тэдний баруун талаар нутаглах урианхай, хиргис зэ... more XYI-XYII зуунд хүчирхэгжсэн хотгойдын Алтан хад тэдний баруун талаар нутаглах урианхай, хиргис зэрэг аймгуудыг эрхшээлдээ оруулж, алба авч байсан ба улмаар тэдний үр хойч болох хотгойдын ноёд ХХ зууны эх хүртэл нэг хэсэг " урианхай "-г захирч байсан билээ. Өөрөөр хэлбэл, Манж Чин улсын үед Хотгойдын засаг ноёд Хаант Орос болон Зүүнгар (1755 он хүртэл) улстай хил залгаа нутагт суух " урианхай " нарыг харъяат хэмээн захирч, алба авч байсныг хотгойдын ноёдын онцлог хэмээн хэлж болно. Тиймээс энд 2010 оны 5 сард БНХАУ-ын Түүхийн Нэгдүгээр архивт үзсэн Цэргийн тухайн газрын манж дансыг ашиглан 1 , Манж Чин улсаас хотгойдын Бүүвэй болон түүний үр ач нартай харьцахад " урианхай " хэрхэн нөлөөлж байсныг авч үзэв.
Oyirad Studies, Oyirad and Todo Studies Center for the School of Chinese Classics, Renmin University of China, Department of Mongol and Inner Asian Studies, Research Centre for Mongol Studies, Eȍtvȍs Loránd University, Hungary. , 2017
Papers by Oyunjargal Ochir
Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia, was first founded in the 17th century as the Khuree of Jebzundamba Qutuytu. During the rule of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, Khuree became one of the important administrative hubs of Mongolia on the north side of the Gobi, since the Manchus established here the office of Governor of Khuree to administer two eastern Aimags of Khalkh and the Great Disciple of the Jebzundamba Qutuytu and the relations with Russia. Although, we have sufficient
primary archival sources to study the duties and responsibilities of the Governor of Khuree during the Manchu Qing period, until recently we did not have the written sources specifically dedicated to the office of the Khuree Governor. Therefore, we present the results of the research and analysis of the source called written in Manchu and Chinese, kept in Japan.
Since near Uliyasutai there were also living the personal ‘tosqun’ people of the Uliyasutai’s general and the general of the aimag, who were herding the personal cattle of the generals, one can consider that the word ‘tosqun’ in the Qalq-a during the Qing rule had the meaning – the people who were obliged to meet and to prepare for the service.
Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia, was first founded in the 17th century as the Khuree of Jebzundamba Qutuytu. During the rule of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, Khuree became one of the important administrative hubs of Mongolia on the north side of the Gobi, since the Manchus established here the office of Governor of Khuree to administer two eastern Aimags of Khalkh and the Great Disciple of the Jebzundamba Qutuytu and the relations with Russia. Although, we have sufficient
primary archival sources to study the duties and responsibilities of the Governor of Khuree during the Manchu Qing period, until recently we did not have the written sources specifically dedicated to the office of the Khuree Governor. Therefore, we present the results of the research and analysis of the source called written in Manchu and Chinese, kept in Japan.
Since near Uliyasutai there were also living the personal ‘tosqun’ people of the Uliyasutai’s general and the general of the aimag, who were herding the personal cattle of the generals, one can consider that the word ‘tosqun’ in the Qalq-a during the Qing rule had the meaning – the people who were obliged to meet and to prepare for the service.
Juridicial Reality in the Otog Banner of Ordos (Concluding Part)
Although the “banner-league” system was introduced into Qing-Dynasty
Mongolia (1635-1911), historical and regional diversities remained in Mongolian
society. This paper explores the social structure and judicial practices of the Otog
Banner from Qing Mongolia, with a focus on the period from the mid nineteenth
to the early twentieth century. It first examines the social structure of the Otog
Banner, focusing on administrative organization, social class, and the status system.
In the second part, this paper analyzes cases involving divorce, disputes over a
domestic animal, illegal arrest, and suicide. The third part of the paper is dedicated
to an analysis of the procedures of court trials in both the countryside and the banner
government office, and to the problems associated with the justice system of the Otog
Banner at the time. The conclusion highlights the specific characteristics of the social
structure and judicial practices in the Otog Banner by comparing the Otog Banner
with the Alasha Banner and the Kharachin Right Banner.
Juridicial Reality in the Otog Banner of Ordos.
Although the “banner-league” system was introduced into Qing-Dynasty
Mongolia (1635-1911), historical and regional diversities remained in Mongolian
society. This paper explores the social structure and judicial practices of the Otog
Banner from Qing Mongolia, with a focus on the period from the mid nineteenth
to the early twentieth century. It first examines the social structure of the Otog
Banner, focusing on administrative organization, social class, and the status system.
In the second part, this paper analyzes cases involving divorce, disputes over a
domestic animal, illegal arrest, and suicide. The third part of the paper is dedicated
to an analysis of the procedures of court trials in both the countryside and the banner
government office, and to the problems associated with the justice system of the Otog
Banner at the time. The conclusion highlights the specific characteristics of the social
structure and judicial practices in the Otog Banner by comparing the Otog Banner
with the Alasha Banner and the Kharachin Right Banner.