Papers by Mohammad Jashim Uddin
Newspaper Article , 2021
The daily Observer , 2021
Published : Saturday, 6 February, 2021 at 12:00 AM Count : 74
Mohammad Jashim Uddin
... more Pain
Published : Saturday, 6 February, 2021 at 12:00 AM Count : 74
Mohammad Jashim Uddin
Pain, pain, and pain
he can still remember everything
and it still kills him every time
as is waiting for her with a heart of pain.
he can still remember everything
how she treats him
how he feels about her
but don't know where the gap is!
he cannot love anyone else
the way he loves her
it's just impossible�
so, if she could read his mind
she must be in�
'That pain in love can't be defined in words
until it is not experienced.'
The poet is assistant professor of English at northern University Bangladesh
Daily Observer , 2021
Published : Saturday, 6 February, 2021 at 12:... more
Published : Saturday, 6 February, 2021 at 12:00 AM Count : 60
Mohammad Jashim Uddin
Pain, pain, and pain
he can still remember everything
and it still kills him every time
as is waiting for her with a heart of pain.
he can still remember everything
how she treats him
how he feels about her
but don't know where the gap is!
he cannot love anyone else
the way he loves her
it's just impossible�
so, if she could read his mind
she must be in�
'That pain in love can't be defined in words
until it is not experienced.'
The poet is assistant professor of English at Northern University Bangladesh
Desh Vikas Publications
The term Ecocriticsm is a newly developed literary theory and criticism in environmental dimensio... more The term Ecocriticsm is a newly developed literary theory and criticism in environmental dimensions of literature and philosophy. It develops the interrelationship between literature and nature. Literature and Nature studies have evolved significantly over time as from the time of immemorial down to the present decade, poets, dramatists, and fictionists have presented nature in different ways. Human beings for improving their standard of living have brought in irreclaimable damages to the environment. Because of human nature's degradation and destruction of human belief and relationship, around the world, and the impact of human activities on nature affect the behavior and identity. Ted Hughes is one of the writers who have portrayed the fact. This paper aims to highlight how Ted Hughes in his animal poems has evolved his concern for nature which has been exploited by human being in the name of civilization and modernization. It also aims at digging deep into Ted Hughes' selected animal poems from ecocritical point of view.
NUB Journal of Social Science and Humanities , 2020
This paper deals with the features of secularism and the conceptual conflicts between the East an... more This paper deals with the features of secularism and the conceptual conflicts between the East and the West of accepting and rejecting secularism. It also attempts to be sure whether there is any existence of secularism in literature. Besides, the paper aims to know why Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam avoids the Western secularism and accepts the Kamalist secularism. Moreover, it tries to find out the reason for writing a two hundred and ninety-two lines long narrative poem praising the father of Turkey named Kamal Pasha. So, logically it also explains what Kamalist secularism or its individuality from the Western concept of secularism is.
বাংলা কবিতা , 2019
কুরবানি ইসলামের অন্যতম অনুষঙ্গ। ইসলামের শিক্ষা নিয়ে এ কবিতাটি।
নতুন এক মাত্রা , 2019
স্বাধীনতা-উত্তর বাংলাদেশের প্রধান দু’কবি : শামসুর রাহমান ও আল মাহমুদ। ‘গর্ব করার মতো আমাদের পঞ্চা... more স্বাধীনতা-উত্তর বাংলাদেশের প্রধান দু’কবি : শামসুর রাহমান ও আল মাহমুদ। ‘গর্ব করার মতো আমাদের পঞ্চাশ আমলের দু’জন ধীমান কবি আমাদের যা দিয়েছেন একদিনে, এক মাসে, এ বছরে কিংবা এক যুগে তা শেষ হবার নয়। সন্ধ্যাতারা বলি কিংবা শুকতারা বলি, আসলে দুটোই এক জিনিস।’ তা ছাড়া ‘শামসুর রাহমান, আল মাহমুদ নদীর ভিন্ন স্রোতের নাম। উভয়েই স্বীকৃতি কবি পুরুষ এবং উভয়েই সমকালের কবিতায় বিদ্বান। সর্ব বিষয়ে প্রতিভার স্বাক্ষর রাখার মতো পাণ্ডিত্যে ভরপুর। অভিজ্ঞ এবং নিজের দেশের মানচিত্র, প্রকৃতি দর্শন বিষয়ে উভয়েই একমত না হলেও সময় সচেতন।’ তবে ‘কিছু কিছু কবির কবিতা কার্যত এমনিতেই মন-মগজে তীরবিদ্ধ হয়। কবিতা হয়ে ওঠে সমকাল পেরিয়ে মহাকালের যোগাযোগ সেতু।’ এ দু’জনও ঠিক তাই। তবে এ লেখায় কবি আল মাহমুদের স্বাধীনতা-বিষয়ক কবিতাকে ঘিরে সীমাবদ্ধ থাকবে।
December , 2017
জীবনানন্দ দাশের নির্বাচিত কবিতার উত্তর-ঔপনিবেশিক পাঠ -মোহাম্মদ জসিম উদ্দিন
October , 2019
কাজী নজরুল ইসলামের শিশুনাট্য জাগো সুন্দর চিরকিশোর | মুহম্মদ জসীম উদ্দিন
September-October , 2018
আত্মপরিচয়ের সন্ধানে এক পরিব্রাজক কবি ডেরেক ওয়ালকট -মোহাম্মদ জসিম উদ্দিন
January- February , 2019
ব্রাজিলীয় ছোটগল্পের স্বরূপ । মোহাম্মদ জসিম উদ্দিন
Feminism is the most common term nowadays as since the 19th century women have been struggling fo... more Feminism is the most common term nowadays as since the 19th century women have been struggling for their rights and for banishing the patriarchal dominance. Women are more united and aware to establish the equity and equality in society, but men in the name of social and religious behaviour always try to enchain women and use how they wish. For these, they change their strategies frequently. As feminism is a discourse and academic discipline, people have attempted to know why and how men have started dominating women. Consequently, reading Shakespeare is important as he creates a lot of women characters in his tragedies. And a deep reading of Shakespeare's Macbeth from a feminist perspective shows how technically Shakespeare introduces Lady Macbeth as a criminal and the so-called fourth witch. Even nowhere does Shakespeare mention what Lady Macbeth's real identity is. That's why, the paper aims at reading the text from a feminist perspective to search the treatment of Shakespeare towards Macbeth and Lady Macbeth and to know why Lady Macbeth's identity is ignored here. To fulfil these, the paper briefly describes the nature of patriarchy and feminism, then the textual analysis critically with these features. Finally, it shows its findings and proves that Shakespeare is not also free from patriarchal tendency.
Humayun Ahmed is one of the most pioneer writers in Bangla literature. He is not only praiseworth... more Humayun Ahmed is one of the most pioneer writers in Bangla literature. He is not only praiseworthy and respected but also criticized for various reasons. Above all, he is the part of our literary history because he was able to make people read profoundly. Humayun Ahmed is criticized and written every year but only few try to analyse his writings from literary perspective. As a result, the literary value of his writings is being lost day by day. We forget his first writing which established the decadentism in Bangla Literature. What the most critics write on him now-a-days is based on his personal activities and life. Anyway before 1990s, he wrote a series of satire in different weeklies and named them Elebele. Here some of them are discussed as they successfully highlighted the social darkness and disorders. Very first story is taken from his personal experience. Once he accompanied with his children went to the Bengali New Year Fair in the Bangla Academy Yard and found cheap and fruitless love of people showing for country. Humayun Ahmed " s second daughter bought a pair of Rabindranath and Nazrul at 10 taka. Because of overcrowded, she was stricken by someone and then Rabindranath was fallen down and broken into two pieces. Then a number of people gathered
Humayun Ahmed is one of the most pioneer writers in Bangla literature. He is not only praiseworth... more Humayun Ahmed is one of the most pioneer writers in Bangla literature. He is not only praiseworthy and respected but also criticized for various reasons. Above all, he is the part of our literary history because he was able to make people read profoundly. Humayun Ahmed is criticized and written every year but only few try to analyse his writings from literary perspective. As a result, the literary value of his writings is being lost day by day. We forget his first writing which established the decadentism in Bangla Literature. What the most critics write on him now-a-days is based on his personal activities and life. Anyway before 1990s, he wrote a series of satire in different weeklies and named them Elebele. Here some of them are discussed as they successfully highlighted the social darkness and disorders. Very first story is taken from his personal experience. Once he accompanied with his children went to the Bengali New Year Fair in the Bangla Academy Yard and found cheap and fruitless love of people showing for country. Humayun Ahmed " s second daughter bought a pair of Rabindranath and Nazrul at 10 taka. Because of overcrowded, she was stricken by someone and then Rabindranath was fallen down and broken into two pieces. Then a number of people gathered
One can either be literate or illiterate but hardly anyone can claim that he or she has not heard... more One can either be literate or illiterate but hardly anyone can claim that he or she has not heard of the term " capitalism. " We can contemplate as to why the term is popular all around the world, but capitalism is too complex for a single facet conclusion. Many aspects are visible but most are veiled. Therefore the positive illusion of capitalism may lead us through an uncertain and slippery path without us being aware of the imperceptible characteristics. Why is there a conflict between reality and illusion in capitalism? Nowadays capitalism is considered very close to the free market, and the market is a strategy to sell and buy with a mutual understanding between buyers and sellers. The relationship depends on
Papers by Mohammad Jashim Uddin
Published : Saturday, 6 February, 2021 at 12:00 AM Count : 74
Mohammad Jashim Uddin
Pain, pain, and pain
he can still remember everything
and it still kills him every time
as is waiting for her with a heart of pain.
he can still remember everything
how she treats him
how he feels about her
but don't know where the gap is!
he cannot love anyone else
the way he loves her
it's just impossible�
so, if she could read his mind
she must be in�
'That pain in love can't be defined in words
until it is not experienced.'
The poet is assistant professor of English at northern University Bangladesh
Published : Saturday, 6 February, 2021 at 12:00 AM Count : 60
Mohammad Jashim Uddin
Pain, pain, and pain
he can still remember everything
and it still kills him every time
as is waiting for her with a heart of pain.
he can still remember everything
how she treats him
how he feels about her
but don't know where the gap is!
he cannot love anyone else
the way he loves her
it's just impossible�
so, if she could read his mind
she must be in�
'That pain in love can't be defined in words
until it is not experienced.'
The poet is assistant professor of English at Northern University Bangladesh
Published : Saturday, 6 February, 2021 at 12:00 AM Count : 74
Mohammad Jashim Uddin
Pain, pain, and pain
he can still remember everything
and it still kills him every time
as is waiting for her with a heart of pain.
he can still remember everything
how she treats him
how he feels about her
but don't know where the gap is!
he cannot love anyone else
the way he loves her
it's just impossible�
so, if she could read his mind
she must be in�
'That pain in love can't be defined in words
until it is not experienced.'
The poet is assistant professor of English at northern University Bangladesh
Published : Saturday, 6 February, 2021 at 12:00 AM Count : 60
Mohammad Jashim Uddin
Pain, pain, and pain
he can still remember everything
and it still kills him every time
as is waiting for her with a heart of pain.
he can still remember everything
how she treats him
how he feels about her
but don't know where the gap is!
he cannot love anyone else
the way he loves her
it's just impossible�
so, if she could read his mind
she must be in�
'That pain in love can't be defined in words
until it is not experienced.'
The poet is assistant professor of English at Northern University Bangladesh